We have chickens, turkeys, quail and ducks. I know the chickens and turkeys will hold up fine in the winter here in Illinois. The quail are going to be housed in cages in our heated garage. I have not yet figured out what to do for the ducks over winter. We currently have 5 ducks, 4 Rouens and 1 Pekin. They have a small duck house that is 4'x4' sectioned off in our coop/shed. We could easily slide a door open and give them access to the rest of the coop floor (10'x4') or even into the rest of the shed (10'x12' total). They have a run with a large pond that will mostly freeze over in the winter. I could keep the water circulating to prevent freezing except for the coldest nights, but I would like to save the cost of running the pump all winter if possible. If I give the ducks access to the entire coop they will have to mingle with the chickens (8) and turkeys (4), but they would also gain access to our chicken run, which is over 250 sqft (perhaps over 300 sqft even), but has no pond. I could add a heated dog or horse water bowl large enough for the ducks to dip their heads/bills though. The coop is not heated but stays warmer than outside thanks to the body heat from the birds.
My questions:
Is it OK to leave the ducks in their run and duck house (sectioned off in our coop) with a pond that will freeze over?
If I close off the duck run/pond, and let them have access to the dry run with the chickens and turkeys, is a heated water bowl/pan sufficient for the ducks?
My questions:
Is it OK to leave the ducks in their run and duck house (sectioned off in our coop) with a pond that will freeze over?
If I close off the duck run/pond, and let them have access to the dry run with the chickens and turkeys, is a heated water bowl/pan sufficient for the ducks?