Fish enthusiasts' chat!

I have a 55 gallon tank, with some sort of tetras in them (some guy gave them to me, when I got an aquarium). It is planted. I have a 10 gallon for my betta, a five gallon for my dwarf puffer, and am in the process of setting up a 1.5 gallon planted nano, along with a 2.5-5 gallon reef pico. I had a 29 gallon set up, with cinvict cichlids, and two more 10 gallons with mollies, and molly fry. I love fish
All my life I have had freshwater tanks and have always wanted to try marine. About 3 weeks ago we came across a 54 gallon corner tank with a bow front, the hood, the wooden stand and a cnister filter for $90.Bought it!! We have set it up for salt water and I am still trying to learn as much as I can so I can hopefully get it all right. Got the live sand, the ro water, a marine light and have started buying all the live rock we need. At $7.99/lb and we need 40-50 lbs, we are having to do it in stages. Like I said, still learning, but from what I have gathered, I can use a couple fish to help cycle the tank soooooo, I got a yellow tail blue damsel, a white belly damsel, 3 hermit crabs, 1 snail that snuck in on the live rock and the newest addisiton, a chocolate chip starfish. I would like to get some clownfish and an anemone but I'm not sure about putting that and the starfsh tgether.
I bred angelfish. I had pretty good parents but due to a fire in our garage last October, my first batch that i finally got live live, my younger fish, about a week or so old, and the parents died. Three survived and are beautiful.
the live sand and live rock will help cycle your tank, but it takes some time, keep a check on your parameters for
nitrates , nitrites and phosphates. You dont need to have a ton of rock if you prefer more fish swimming room.
It depends on the type of tank you want, fish, or reef? the chocolate chip will be fine, that was also one of my
first additions as well, BUT he will eat your corals,and I wanted a reef tank, so he had to go eventually.

damsels are the hellions of the fish world, darn near impossible to catch if you ever want to get rid of him, and
mean as H***!

You will find it easier to ditch your canister filter, they are nothing but nitrate factories, and need
contstant, and I mean CONSTANT cleaning and maintenance, they add more trouble to your tank
than they are worth. You will end up getting a skimmer, more needful for marine tanks.
although, Ive had my current reef tank set up for many years and only JUST got a skimmer, because of
the hard corals I want to have
so you can
do it with weekly water changes, thats how I chose to maintain my tank, rather than a sump, pump, skimmer etc.

lighting is crucial if you want a reef, for fish, not so much. but even your live rock will die off without enough light.

feel free to contact me if you run in to trouble or have questions.
Any other fish enthusiasts on here?

I have a 26 gallon bowfront freshwater tank that currently contains two Platys, one male Dwarf Gourami, one male Red Velvet Swordtail, four Lemon Tetras, and three Rosy Barbs. It's a crazy, colorful tank that's so much fun to watch. In another room, I have a 46 gallon bowfront for my freshwater cichlids. It contains a Jewel Cichlid, a Yellow Lab/Electric Yellow, an Acei cichlid, and a Golden Gourami. It also has a Spotted Climbing perch that I am considering mmoving to a seperate tank, as I've seen too much conflicting information as to whether or not he'll get along well with my cichlids. Next, I'm getting a twenty-gallon marine hex tank that I plan to house a Green Mandarin in with a pair of clownfish, or if I can't find the Mandarin, it'll be three blue damsels and two clownfish.

Feel free to chat about your fish, post pictures of your tanks and their inhabitants, or to ask questions!
The damsels can be territorial in a smaller tand. Might consider blue chromis instead.
I bred angelfish. I had pretty good parents but due to a fire in our garage last October, my first batch that i finally got live live, my younger fish, about a week or so old, and the parents died. Three survived and are beautiful.
So glad you had a few survivors. Angel are generally good parents. Lost a number of fish here due to cold and power outage. I hpe you'll get a good pair again.
Em, thanks! Yeah, I've already been thinking that I shouldn't get a Mandarin. They eat mostly live food, and I worry whether or not I can very well meet their requirements. The blue Damsels seem to be the better option; hardier and not as difficult to feed, they're like the Lemon tetras of the Saltwater world.
,I had 3 mandarins for 4 years til I sold them with the 56 gal tank. They had small shrimp. sea horse, flame angels and dwarf butterflies. They ate flakes, frozen brine shrimp, and live blood worms. Beautiful fish.
Okay, bringing this thread back from the dead...

Since this thread was started, a lot of fish have been moved around and added. The Golden Gourami, and the Spotted Climbing Perch were placed in a 55 gallon Rectangular tank. I also moved my Red-Tailed Black Shark to the new tank, and my Rosy Barbs.

I got some lovely new fish today; some fancy Spotted Guppies for my 27 gallon tank and a Otocinclus Catfish to keep it clean. The Oto has been doing a lovely job, he transformed that dirty tank in a matter of minutes!
Otocinclus are my favorite algae eaters. The one in my 20 gal is 3 1/2 years old, and most of the time he doesn't even move away when I stick tubifex worms on the glass for him and the small fish in the tank He's the larges fish in there as the tetra and danio are varieties that are full grown at 3/4 to 1 inch. So fun.

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