I wanna branch out and try some other fish eventually. I always seem to end up with bettas and goldfish. :lau :th

Although I did have guppies once briefly when my friends fish got pregnant and she gave me a bunch 😂 but I wanna try a big community tank or maybe add some stuff in with the bettas if I ever got them again.

I love the bettas and goldfish and mine are always so personable but still. My dragon scale male was my favorite betta so far. Sooooo much personality. :love and surprisingly, my goldfish have a lot of personality too. :lau
Nothing wrong with bettas and goldfish. I love them! If I could have a tank big enough for a trio of goldfish, that would be amazing.
Hi guys! I have a quick question for the fish experts lol!
Anyone have suggestions for heaters for a 2gal fish bowl? Our friend recently took in a Betta that her friend didn't want. The Betta didn't' come with anything other then a Bowl, rocks, plants and food. The water is FREEZING! I measured the temp, and its at 63 degrees! I already bought one heater for her, and it is doing nothing! I am returning it. All the heaters on Amazon have a bunch of reviews that say they get to hot, and killed the fish. Any suggestions? We need something ASAP!
Maybe you could try an under the tank heater? I’m not sure if they sell those for fish but I think they do. But I would try to upgrade him eventually if she can but totally understandable if not! For now though I’d definitely try that
Hi guys! I have a quick question for the fish experts lol!
Anyone have suggestions for heaters for a 2gal fish bowl? Our friend recently took in a Betta that her friend didn't want. The Betta didn't' come with anything other then a Bowl, rocks, plants and food. The water is FREEZING! I measured the temp, and its at 63 degrees! I already bought one heater for her, and it is doing nothing! I am returning it. All the heaters on Amazon have a bunch of reviews that say they get to hot, and killed the fish. Any suggestions? We need something ASAP!
Nothing wrong with bettas and goldfish. I love them! If I could have a tank big enough for a trio of goldfish, that would be amazing.
Oh yeah I know and I honestly have loved all mine, it’s not that I don’t, but I just kinda wanna try something different, you know? And honestly I know it’s not ideal but I had mine in a 20 gallon long for a few years until I could get them into a pond. They were very very tiny at first so took a while to grow into it. Although I would not recommend doing it as long as I did because they did outgrow it eventually but I moved them into a pond when they did. Which was honestly just a huge stock tank I got at TSC for like $80 which is way cheaper than most of the big tanks at the pet stores.
You could also start them in the pond to begin with if you’re able but I don’t think I’d recommend that because they’re so tiny, they’d be quite vulnerable out there and could also possibly get sucked into the bigger openings of a pond filter.
You could also start them in the pond to begin with if you’re able but I don’t think I’d recommend that because they’re so tiny, they’d be quite vulnerable out there and could also possibly get sucked into the bigger openings of a pond filter.
hahaha imagine being able to have a pond
To be honest, I'd almost rather them be inside in a GIANT tank if they weren't koi. I'd probably have the fancier ones that stay smaller, too.
Oh yeah I know and I honestly have loved all mine, it’s not that I don’t, but I just kinda wanna try something different, you know? And honestly I know it’s not ideal but I had mine in a 20 gallon long for a few years until I could get them into a pond. They were very very tiny at first so took a while to grow into it. Although I would not recommend doing it as long as I did because they did outgrow it eventually but I moved them into a pond when they did. Which was honestly just a huge stock tank I got at TSC for like $80 which is way cheaper than most of the big tanks at the pet stores.
I have a stock tank pond too! It doesn’t look the best due to the algae and fake plants I threw in, but the fish like it. I might try real plants once I figure out how to keep them alive out there.
The two goldfish (bought from the feeder tank several years ago) recently reproduced. Their fry are both gray so far.
hahaha imagine being able to have a pond
To be honest, I'd almost rather them be inside in a GIANT tank if they weren't koi. I'd probably have the fancier ones that stay smaller, too.
That’s understandable! Easier to view hahah but mine honestly doesn’t take up a ton of room. It’s on the deck 😂🤣 excellent as a brooder too :lau I used it for that before I put the goldfish in it last year or the year before.


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