Flagyl - where to buy?

Update---tried to take pictures, but it was obvious that we were making her breathing worse...the yellow, cheesy-looking stuff in the cleft of her beak is gone, replaced with black stuff. Black, crusty stuff around the inside of her mouth also. Breathing is a little worse tonight, after a full course of sub-q Tylan 200. Switched to duramycin in the water, not hopeful it will do anything. She's still eating and drinking on her own, and droppings looking a little more normal. I ordered some of the metronidazole, probably won't get here until next Tues. or Wed. I haven't needed to see a vet with any of them yet, so no calling and asking for baytril or culture. Not sure what else I can do.
Another update---sadly, the hen died after two days of the metronidazole. I continued with the Tylan while I waited for the Baytril, but didn't get it in time. I'm treating all of the birds in her flock with the metronidazole, and hope to never see this again! Thought about getting a necropsy, but my sweet son didn't want me to be too upset about the hen dying, so he snuck her outside in the night after she died and she froze solid.

Something to consider---we've been feeding wild birds here all winter, and I've noticed more morning doves this year around the feeder. Lots more that usual. The feeder was close to the path we take to get to the coop. So maybe we tracked canker in from the feeder area. This is the SECOND problem we've faced with the chickens that could possibly be traced back to wild birds in the yard. Wish I'd done a little more research before getting the chickens, could have possibly avoided all this!

Anyway, thanks for your help---so glad to have more experienced people who are willing to share their knowledge.
Another update---sadly, the hen died after two days of the metronidazole. I continued with the Tylan while I waited for the Baytril, but didn't get it in time. I'm treating all of the birds in her flock with the metronidazole, and hope to never see this again! Thought about getting a necropsy, but my sweet son didn't want me to be too upset about the hen dying, so he snuck her outside in the night after she died and she froze solid.

Something to consider---we've been feeding wild birds here all winter, and I've noticed more morning doves this year around the feeder. Lots more that usual. The feeder was close to the path we take to get to the coop. So maybe we tracked canker in from the feeder area. This is the SECOND problem we've faced with the chickens that could possibly be traced back to wild birds in the yard. Wish I'd done a little more research before getting the chickens, could have possibly avoided all this!

Anyway, thanks for your help---so glad to have more experienced people who are willing to share their knowledge.
Sorry for your loss and I agree with your assessment about the wild birds. Stop feeding the wild birds, they can bring in much worse problems to your flock. I think you know that canker is spread through waterers/feeders and infected birds are carriers. I recommend copper sulfate treatment in waterers 3 days a month at 1/8 teaspoon per gallon of water to keep it in check.
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I think you can give both at the same time. I know you can give Baytril and Metronidazole together, so I don't think that it would be any different with Tylan. Just remember that antibiotics kill good bacteria, too, so one does open the door for other bacterial and fungal infections when using antibiotics.

Can you post some pictures of your bird?
I have a question. Is it safe to give a duck both metronidazole and baytril at the same time? And how many hours apart? A vet prescribed metronidazole for my duck we’re on day 4 but I don’t think it’s actually helping. I can’t interrupt the course though I’m afraid sth worse may happen. I suspect partuerella but I’m not sure. I took her to 3different vets last week and yet no progress.
She’s 3, she’s lethargic, sometimes breath with open mouth, I have to force her to eat, her breath smells cheesy, she coughed a yellow mucous thingy yesterday but just once, she had fever which I think it went away with 2injections which was followed by metronidazole, and today she had watery green poop a few times. Does it hurt if I give her baytril anyway? I would be so grateful if you could help me
Also she started limping two weeks ago and its not an injury or arthritis.
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yes, they can be given together.

You should probably start tube feeding. Are you weighing her daily?
Thanks, how many hours apart ? I mean do they have interaction?
She eats on her own but not much. So I have to encourage her to eat more so she doesn’t lose weight because of the antibiotics. Yes, she hasn’t lost much weight maybe a few grams. She has been 1/800 kg for three months now.
Can you think of any other illnesses with these symptoms ? Sorry I’m not that experienced,I have no idea what this could be. She’s my pet duck and she is not in contact with any other ducks or animals; except I rescued a domestic duck from a pond a few months ago and they shared food once or twice. Then I saw worm in her(the rescued duck) poop and deworm both of them with levamisole. I have no idea what diseases could she carry or if it was transmitted to my duck. I mean is there any possibility that she has caught a disease a few months ago and now she’s showing symptoms?
She no longer lives with us though.
None of the vets could diagnose my duck’s problem, they just had guesses and prescribed based on those.
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