Flarry eye grey



🙄🤚 Loving life 💜
May 3, 2019
I might get 3 Flarry eye grey chicks soon, does anybody have experience with them? I just LOVE gamefowl they are my favorite. I have only dealt with the roosters because I tamed them down for my neighbor. They are the prettiest chicken breed in my opinion. If you have them or anything like them then share pictures too!
That will be fun!
Do you already have any roosters? If you do, then do you have a place/space where a Gamefowl rooster can be kept separate if one (or more) of the 3 end up being a male?
What line of Gamefowl does you neighbor have?
There's a couple of fairly active Gamefowl threads you may be interested in.

My neighbor has OEGB games and some American games, he had mainly roosters though and they all seemed to live peacefully together which I found really odd. I have 3 Roos so I will do that.
My neighbor has OEGB games and some American games, he had mainly roosters though and they all seemed to live peacefully together which I found really odd. I have 3 Roos so I will do that.
Thank you for the help, I cannot find anything on Flarry Eye Grey’s.
You would have to do some searching for info about their history.
I don't know much about them, just seen them on a site like Greenfire Farms.
If they are game, then the roosters would need to be separated due to fighting. You will want to make sure that another rooster can't get near the pens or they will fence fight.

I've never had OEGB so couldn't tell you much about their behavior/how game they really are, etc. Hopefully others will chime in on that.

When you get your chicks, be sure to post some photos! I would like to see them:)
You would have to do some searching for info about their history.
I don't know much about them, just seen them on a site like Greenfire Farms.
If they are game, then the roosters would need to be separated due to fighting. You will want to make sure that another rooster can't get near the pens or they will fence fight.

I've never had OEGB so couldn't tell you much about their behavior/how game they really are, etc. Hopefully others will chime in on that.

When you get your chicks, be sure to post some photos! I would like to see them:)
Thank you, I have an extra pen that I can make separate pens at and my other roos Won’t go near them.
Stag below is 1/2 toppy that may involve some Flarry-eyed Gray. Other half is Shuffler derived in part from {Pierce Shufflers).

Pullet was one of two original I got from source that indicated they where half gray toppy and half muff. Based on offspring, the pullets where not first generation crosses as they were homzygous for toppy.

All those I have now range from 75% to 87.5% shuffler although they retain the gray, toppy and blue legged traits from the original pullets.

They are higher stationed than my pure shuffler stock. Temperament about the same. Differences otherwise in color ration.

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