
I use these with great success:

http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/pr...e-7-3-4-in-x-3-1-4-in-x-8-1-2-in?cm_vc=-10005 - amazing how many flies (thousands) it catches. Put the bags away from the coop (mine is about 30 feet away) and it draws most of the flies over there.

The other keys are keeping the coop/run dry, and if possible using something like Sweet PDZ ( http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/sweet-pdz-stall-refresher-25-lb?cm_vc=-10005 ) - the PDZ dries out the poop very quickly and the flies wont bother it. Third is regular maintenance - everybody has their own method, but I go out every day and scoop the poop (dried in my case). My entire coop and run are PDZ so it REALLY keeps the flies down. Also research the Deep Litter Method.

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