

Jun 25, 2020
Central WA State
My Coop
My Coop
Perhaps flies are a necessary evil with chicken flocks. I read a recommendation to spray solution of 1:1 (vinegar:water) all over ground, coop floor and perches. Been doing that for 2.5 months now. Doesn't seem to have much effect. Flies disappear for 5 min. then are back. I know focus should be on the fly larvae instead of the adults, but is it really a lost cause to try to combat flies? I rake the sand floor every day and clean poop out of coop each day as well.. Suggestions (non chemical)??
I rake the sand floor every day
Sand will not let the poop compost.

Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
While the bag traps stink bad enough to make many not use them they do work well.

My suggestion with those is put them far far away from the human home. 🤮🤢
Yes they do work but stink to high heaven and attract every fly within ten surrounding counties or continents. I have bought several. I had buzzards flying over those things no lie before I could get them into my garbage can and get it carried off. I do not want that to happen again. Not good. Buzzards. Next coyotes will come.

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