Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Okay Calm down and tell exact situation! I never kill mine I just give them away to the local pet store, can you keep roosters?
There is an upside to roosters! They protect your flock and are constantly on alert- if you get a good rooster that is! If he is aggressive, give him to the local feed store that’s what I do with my rooster chicks if I can’t sell them!

Is he friendly? Has he tried to attack? Does he bend down into attack mode if you try and feed him? What breed? I had a silkie rooster that wAs agressive And we carried a rake and if he can bear us we would beat him away, it worked! Would that be an option if he is attack?

He is friendly. I looked up the walk his doing to me looks like a mating thing not like an attack mode. Weird.
His a coward. We had a fox attack and he was hiding in the garden watching. Me and my partner chased the fox away. So his not a good protector. And he has a wonky beak so im not breeding him.
Ill try rehome him but if I can't im not against eating him. As if I give him to a random person im sure thats where he will end up. At least I can make sure his comfort and not exactly scared when it does happen.
What's for dinner?
Pork Belly :drool:yesss:
Ooo this looks fun! 2018 was not a fun year so it's nice to have a start over. :)

My name is Lily and I'm from Ontario Canada.
I have 44 chickens at the moment and I'm breeding Mille Fleur d'Uccles for more of a hobby thing too. I also have 7 cats, 5 budgies, 3 rabbits, and a fish. (I'm a cat person hehe)
Hi! It’s great to see another cat lover/person! :celebrate

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