Flock/Life Journey's 2019

@ChristieB is right. Some farms have been in drought for years but what's also sad is some farms can't cope with the debt they are in and having to kill some of their stock because they can't afford to feed them or they haven't had water they are so skinny and sick. A lot of farms have been committing suicide. Its really devastating.
Awwww that is so sad :(
Doesn't your government help these people? Over here our farmers are subsidized.[/QUOTE]

Lol help them not really. They had a day where you dressed up as a farmer and donated $5 so everyone did that but also, its hard to tell if they are getting the funds that were raised its sad. I seen a news report that the banks are advising farmers to kill themselves. Like what is that! Makes me sooo angry.[/QUOTE]
"Banks advising farmers to kill themselves" that is horrifying! This world grows colder by the day and sadly I am not shocked at hearing the banks advice, years and years ago I would have been, but with so much hatred in the world I've become desensetised.
Lovely of the community to fund raise for them - its always the "little" people who dip their hands in their pockets when times are bad - all power to every one of you who helped.
Yup my friend posted on FB today that her mud was starting to dry out and the recent rains have rejuvenated it. When loading my feed today, we put a fresh dry skid in the truck, put a cardboard layer over it and then a plastic layer. Then after the first layer was loaded we put another layer over the top. DW and I would lift the plastic as new bags were added. Finally after everything was loaded covered it with a tarp. Then tied everything down. And as soon as that task was complete, it quit raining. ARG!
There is such a fierce wind storm outside today, throwing snow around into drift and making black ice on the roads, I have time to find all the best threads on this site.

Hi, My name is Kasandra and I am from near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It has been -20C (-4F), but feels like -30C (-22F) with the wind. This is my first year with my own farm, though I grew up on a goat farm in BC, which is a much milder climate. I took possession of my new 8 acre farm mid Dec, 2018, so have only been in place a little over a month.
I didn't wast any time getting started. There was a barn and 6 small out buildings on the property, along with a 40x60 quonset. The barn allowed me to get some new zealand cross rabbits and chickens right off the bat.

The Chickens I started off with are a Cochin Rooster, 2 medium brown Brahmas and a young roo (they were all about 5 months I think). This past weekend, from the same farm I got those chickens, I just got 2 silkie hens and a rooster.
My wish is to start an Angora goat farm and produce luxury wool for the everyday knitter and spinner. But, for now I am starting with seedlings in the spring, which I will sell at farmers markets at the beginning of the planting season, and chickens. I hope to get some geese to hatch in the spring to be guard animals.

Confession: I have already hatched 9/12 eggs in my home made incubator, made out of a styrofoam cooler and I just built a new incubator and have 3.5 doz eggs in. The chicks live in my basement. My old incubator has 10 Guinea fowl, 5 muscovy ducks and 2 geese eggs. I don't know how well they will all do together, but the experiment continues.

Okay, that's enough for now.
Talk to you soon.

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:goodpost::welcome love those little cuties :love

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