Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Good Morning/Evening Everyone,
How are you? Your Family and Your flocks?
Im stuck at work today. Miss all you and our lovely chicken chats :love
My flock's doing well at the moment, they very much enjoyed this random mid 40*F weather. (The pullet who was wheezing is completely fine now. No idea what it is was)

On the other hand, I think my bees died over the winter. -_-
Okay yall... I need some advice.. what do yall think if I return that giant EE chick and get a different one? “He” is SO much bigger than the others.. and “he” attacks the tiny Speckled Sussex fairly often... plus when “he” is outside “he” tries to fly and runs around crazy! Also, when I go to catch “him” it runs for it’s life and tries to peck me! I have never had a chick act this way.. last year the 8 I had were three different ages.. 3 weeks, 1 week, and 1 day olds... and never had an issue with attacking or bullying.. these appear to be the same age by feather development.. but he’s HUGE! And the tiny little SS :(... so I separated the CM and EE from the LB and SS...

Also, I turned off their light for awhile... the room was really hot.. and they are just sleeping their little heads off... I think they like to be able to actually sleep..... I’ll be turning it back on in a bit.

Please let me know what yall think... maybe I’m coo coo:confused:
:frow Hi!
I've not been on in a few days, I've been working myself like crazy because I'm here alone and I'm not used to that. So I've been tiring myself out on various projects and in the garden until i just pass out in the evening:thAnyhow...the flock is doing great and my lovely Pekin duck is soon to have companions besides a bunch of chickens so she'll have swimming partners :wee. I'm expecting 15 ducklings in about a week and a half. 6 Indian runners, 3 mallards, 3 Welsh harlequinns, 2 more Pekin and 2 Cayuga. Exciting! I captured a bunch of great photos being outside so much though and wanted to share with you all. The first few I almost missed but it was right as the sun was starting to set and i swear they were watching it lol but every time i see them i can hear playing in my head "people let me tell you bout my best friend" so cute i can't stand it :celebratebut anyway i have more pics but my eyes are threatening to close on me so until tomorrow folks! Hope you and your families and flocks are all doing well!
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She's definitely at least part Marans. All of my standard girls came from eggs I bought. She had Speckled Sussex, BBS Copper Marans, Ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, EEs, Leghorns, Red Sexlink and Salmon Faverolles together.
That should be a good mix for egg laying!
bantamsrmyfav, how nice of your grandma to give you $$$ for more chicks.
. I thought so too lol, when I lived with her I wouldn’t tell her I would be getting chicks because she wasn’t crazy about me asking her to look after them when I visited my husband (we lived in 2 different countries from 2011-2015 but kept in touch and got married in the middle of it). But now that she and my mom are their main caretakers she wanted me to buy her some. I get to visit them once a year so I sort of feel like they are mine too.

Good morning :frow

The wheezing pullet seems to be doing better, a lot less wheezing and still her normal pullet self. Glad she's doing well, I'm not in the mood to deal with a viral respiratory illness in the flock with nine-year-old chickens and pullets.
. Glad she is well too and that’s great that you’ve kept your chickens alive that long. My grandma and moms oldest hen is 8 I think. The other 2 are 9 months and then there are 5 chicks that are 2 weeks old.

That is so sweet of your Grandma :love
Ohhh just beautiful!
They are beautiful chicks! Especially the Wyandotte. I think it is the splash variety of the Blue Laced Red. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Looks delicious! By the way, the first time I ever heard of massaman thai curry was when you posted about it. Then I see the spice on my mom’s counter. Either it is a new craze food or that is an interesting coincidence. On my trip to Cali there were other Australian foods. At the wedding I went to the seafood was Australian and my mom had grapes that looked like fingers. I can’t remember if I mentioned this in a previous post or not.

I have to say Brahmachicken240 I really like the new batch of stones better. Also your place is fantastic. Love seeing pictures. Very inspiring!:drool
. I agree, he has a lovely place. Reminds me of Lord of the Rings which was filmed mostly in New Zealand. The grass really does look greener over there!

This will be my 1,001 message! I didn't realize I had reached 1,000 until this morning when I checked my alerts.

I got my second egg from one of my standard girls!

She tried to fit her big butt into the Bantams nest boxes first. It was a tight squeeze! :gig I picked her up and set her in the standard girls fridge-nest and she started getting ready to lay.

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She had to stand up to get it out!
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Her egg next to a bantam egg.
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In sadder news, one of my ducks is seemingly egg bound. :hit Another warm bath is in her future. I might have to break out the gloves and lube if she doesn't lay soon.
. That egg almost looks red! It’s similar in colour to the mountains in Sedona, AZ.

Very nice!

It is very sad that my Great Great Grand father had to leave Ireland during the Potato famine!
My most recent Irish ancestors came over to the US in the late 1700s, missing the famine by about half a century. My husband’s most recent Irish ancestors immigrated to New Brunswick, Canada from Ballymena, Ireland in 1928. I have yet to figure out why.

Okay yall... I need some advice.. what do yall think if I return that giant EE chick and get a different one? “He” is SO much bigger than the others.. and “he” attacks the tiny Speckled Sussex fairly often... plus when “he” is outside “he” tries to fly and runs around crazy! Also, when I go to catch “him” it runs for it’s life and tries to peck me! I have never had a chick act this way.. last year the 8 I had were three different ages.. 3 weeks, 1 week, and 1 day olds... and never had an issue with attacking or bullying.. these appear to be the same age by feather development.. but he’s HUGE! And the tiny little SS :(... so I separated the CM and EE from the LB and SS...

Also, I turned off their light for awhile... the room was really hot.. and they are just sleeping their little heads off... I think they like to be able to actually sleep..... I’ll be turning it back on in a bit.

Please let me know what yall think... maybe I’m coo coo:confused:
Tough call, on the one hand why should you put up with a big meanie. On the other hand I would feel bad returning it even if it’s mean, then again I’m a Taurus and I read that we have hoarding tendencies so if you aren’t one and can bring yourself to return the chick it may be best, especially if you feel that the pecking is beyond normal pecking order stuff.

Well I should probably go to bed soon. DS woke me up at the crack of dawn wanting to play.
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. I thought so too lol, when I lived with her I wouldn’t tell her I would be getting chicks because she wasn’t crazy about me asking her to look after them when I visited my husband (we lived in 2 different countries from 2011-2015 but kept in touch and got married in the middle of it). But now that she and my mom are their main caretakers she wanted me to buy her some. I get to visit them once a year so I sort of feel like they are mine too.

. Glad she is well too and that’s great that you’ve kept your chickens alive that long. My grandma and moms oldest hen is 8 I think. The other 2 are 9 months and then there are 5 chicks that are 2 weeks old.

They are beautiful chicks! Especially the Wyandotte. I think it is the splash variety of the Blue Laced Red. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Looks delicious! By the way, the first time I ever heard of massaman thai curry was when you posted about it. Then I see the spice on my mom’s counter. Either it is a new craze food or that is an interesting coincidence. On my trip to Cali there were other Australian foods. At the wedding I went to the seafood was Australian and my mom had grapes that looked like fingers. I can’t remember if I mentioned this in a previous post or not.

. I agree, he has a lovely place. Reminds me of Lord of the Rings which was filmed mostly in New Zealand. The grass really does look greener over there!

. That egg almost looks red! It’s similar in colour to the mountains in Sedona, AZ.

My most recent Irish ancestors came over to the US in the late 1700s, missing the famine by about half a century. My husband’s most recent Irish ancestors immigrated to New Brunswick, Canada from Ballymena, Ireland in 1928. I have yet to figure out why.

Tough call, on the one hand why should you put up with a big meanie. On the other hand I would feel bad returning it even if it’s mean, then again I’m a Taurus and I read that we have hoarding tendencies so if you aren’t one and can bring yourself to return the chick it may be best, especially if you feel that the pecking is beyond normal pecking order stuff.

Well I should probably go to bed soon. DS woke me up at the crack of dawn wanting to play.
They likely came over for work. 1928 was just before the depression here but it was a world wide depression. I would have to check but it likely started there first
Good Morning/Evening Everyone,
How are you? Your Family and Your flocks?
Im stuck at work today. Miss all you and our lovely chicken chats :love
Hey, everybody!
My family and I are pretty good, for the most part.
And it was great...I normally work every weekend, but yesterday (Sunday) I was off. And it was a beautiful day, and I let my chickens free range all day yesterday (not the chicks). :D
My flock is doing pretty well. Except maybe Snowball. Andee, my other lovely adult silkie who came home with Snowball when we got her, 'flew the coop' recently. It was very unexpected, and I don't know why she died like that. :(
Andee always was the bolder one, and Snowball was more shy and standoffish. Well, Snowball has really come to love us and rely on us with Andee gone, so I now really like my lil' sweetie.
But today she was free ranging this morning, and one of our dogs, Shorty, got a hold of her and tried to kill her. :( When I heard a small squeak come from outside, I remembered my chickens, and looked out the window and saw Snowball pinned down with Shorty on top of her, ripping out her furry feathers. I hurriedly put my shoes on and ran outside and slapped Shorty really hard on the rump, then grabbed the cable (we don't let our dogs run free in our yard) connected to her collar, and pulled her away from the chicken. To my amazement (and praise God!), Snowball, who I expected to lie still on the ground dead, or dying at least, jumped up and ran off.
We've had Shorty since birth and she's spoiled rotten and nearing ten-years old, but this was the 'last straw'; my mom said she can't be trusted anymore, so we're finally going to put her to sleep. It was so hard on my mom, so she couldn't make the appointment, but had my dad do it. Shorty--and this happened early this afternoon--is gone now. Snowball is still alive, amazingly enough (maybe it looked worse than it hopefully really was), and is in the house in a large tote with clean pine shavings, water, and her All Flock crumbles. She's still eating and drinking a bit, and even is standing a little, too. And I've seen no blood on her. So, so far so good; and she's getting plenty of rest. I just hope she doesn't have serious and secret internal injuries. If no organs were damaged badly (if at all), or anything, then I'm expecting her to live... :hmm

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