Flock/Life Journey's 2019

I did my candling tonight!! Egg #2 has definite veins!!! :celebrate

They just don't show on my pics :(

Eggs #1 and #11 are so heavily pigmented I can't see a thing!!!
I put numbers on each egg and an x so i can hand turn better. Smelled each one they all had a clean "earthy" (dirt?) kinda smell not stinky

Here are pics!
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Both of these have veining!!!

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Egg-citing! Congratulations!
:ya (fireworks!)
Hi everybody. It's raining and supposed to rain all day, but at least its been a light rain and these guys n gals can get a break from the heat. Thrilled that the gnat thing has ended and so far everyone seems to be doing great. Happy weekend!
Sorry, I’m a late thread joiner and haven’t read all the way through. Were you one of the people whose birds were getting sick from the gnat bite toxin? That sounded like a nightmare!
Evening / Morning folks :frow

Last year I bought some mister heads and connectors, but haven’t purchased the pvc, adhesive and couplings so I can actually do so with it. I have these great arctic cove brand bucket top misters, but the rechargeable batteries run out pretty quickly. Even with longer life batteries, the buckets would run dry. But they really help in the heat of summer, especially when I can run up the hill on lunch break to refill buckets and swap out batteries!

I need to pull my arctic cove out of the freezer and put it on the deck. When you install your misters, if you can fit the pvc together without glue (without it falling apart) it will make cleaning the algae out later much easier.

You're probably wondering why it's in the freezer... When I freeze birds, I like to use it to circulate the cold air around them. It makes them freeze faster and more evenly.
Thanks ladies :)

Awesome video Michelle ,:wee

How many eggs did you say you were hatching, Mystic?

Is Vinny the same as Babarino, WhoDat?

You both may have mentioned these things but I’ve forgotten also lol
Yes! Vinny Barbarino! But I may be rehoming him :oops:... I just don’t think I want to deal with a rooster.. also, it will prevent me from being tempted to hatch eggs.. if I buy from the stores then I can limit myself... plus, limit roosters for the most part... out of nineteen birds only two were cockerels ... I’d say that’s pretty good..
@bantamsrmyfav I may be going to the beach today and will think of you! When you all get a chance, can you help me with names, since I joined late and I’m still not up to speed?

Bob, how many eggs still have a chance?

I’m still working my way backwards through the thread so I can ask more people questions. :)
Oh, wow. I forgot to tell you all I got the preliminary necropsy report. It’s really bad and heartbreaking! Poor Margo did likely die from an acute infection, which I suspected. But she also had some respiratory issues, and there’s been something going through my flock. What’s worse is the poor thing was suffering from chronic egg yolk peritonitis, despite being a strong layer up until the end. And she was carrying a lot of fat. These last two things have me really concerned for my barred rock, Bridgette, who is a BIG girl and seems not to have laid in a year (she bad very distinctive speckled torpedo eggs). You haven’t heard the worst part... Margo had evidence of Mareks, despite the fact that the feed store where I source chicks requests vaccines. This may be my last flock for quite some time. But my remaining lovlies will get to live out their days with the best life I can provide.
Oh, wow. I forgot to tell you all I got the preliminary necropsy report. It’s really bad and heartbreaking! Poor Margo did likely die from an acute infection, which I suspected. But she also had some respiratory issues, and there’s been something going through my flock. What’s worse is the poor thing was suffering from chronic egg yolk peritonitis, despite being a strong layer up until the end. And she was carrying a lot of fat. These last two things have me really concerned for my barred rock, Bridgette, who is a BIG girl and seems not to have laid in a year (she bad very distinctive speckled torpedo eggs). You haven’t heard the worst part... Margo had evidence of Mareks, despite the fact that the feed store where I source chicks requests vaccines. This may be my last flock for quite some time. But my remaining lovlies will get to live out their days with the best life I can provide.
Aaww, that all sounds terrible.. how old is your flock? And how many do you have? I think I may have missed something....? Cuz I don’t remember reading that you had a sick one :confused:

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