Flocks w/ NO rooster??-- UPDATE

Tonight, I went out to let the girls out for a while.. They didn't even seem to notice, that he wasn't with them and for the first time since they became mature--they all seemed to flock together---For 7 months, my largest BO hen, was never with the flock of big girls-- NEVER... The Ameraucanas and EE girls were my flock w/in a flock..they always stayed together--but away from the big girls! Tonight they were all with in 30ft of each at all times.. My little Ameraucana that is limping, seemed a tiny bit better.. After the girls went to roost, I took the roo and placed him in the coop (still in the cage). Tomorrow, a friend who processes his own chickens, is coming by to help me!

I am sure I will still feel guilty at least for a while...BUT I know I am doing the best thing for my grandson and my girls!
The same thing happened to my white rock roo. Sweet as could be until he turned 8 months. I had to seperate him as he did significant damage to my girls. I have so many pics of him with my kids. Then he turned on me. I have been trying to give him away but noone wants him. So for now he lives alone. I feel bad for him. I don't have the heart to kill him but one thing is for sure my girls are sooooooooooooo happy without him!
I have never had a rooster, the same hen (the only one with a name "Big Red" has been their leader since I first brought them home as started pullets. She is the one that is the bravest, they all watch her and then follow her lead. I've had my eight girls for a year now, and they seem so happy and calm.

My friend had a rooster. He got so vicious she had a take a stick with her and beat him away just to collect eggs. Her daughters were terrified of him. He too went to freezer camp and no one misses him!
My sister in law, called this morning. She found out that I was gonna kill my roo....She and her dh own a country store w/ a huge pasture behind it, about a 1/4 from the store is a huge barn with some horses, Jacks and Jennys and about 60 'wild' hens/pullets They only had one roo and something got him last fall after 6yrs.. She wants my roo.. They don't have one... He will be free range all the time... He will be fed and watered 2x a day, there is a small little creek and almost 20 acres of pasture.. Their oldest grandson 16yo--who has the chickens/horses etc.. is very used to animals (he 'breaks' green horses, mules, donkeys for everyone in the county)... I was very up front with her when she called about his flogging my grandson and me. I was up front about him being mean to the girls... But they think he will be ok with so many girls.

Do you see a problem?
Having so many girls will not change his attitude. She will be sorry in the end. She would be much better off to get another rooster, Lord knows that they are everywhere.

If she is near Greenwood, I have 4 or 5 that I will be glad to give her, and they aren't mean either.
Personally, I would still process him. Even freeranging w/a lot of girls-HE is not going to change. It doesn't seem fair to your SIL's girls to expose them to that mean of a roo.

We had a similar problem a couple months ago. Had a roo for our girls, but he was way too aggressive to us and made them even pensive to come near us as a family. After he jumped up on my 2yr old dd's back and knocked her over-I was done. No need to keep a nasty roo around. It was hard to make that decision as he was beautiful and had a nice crow, but not worth the stress he put my hens through and my family through. The girls were so much happier and went back to following us around after he left. Good Luck
All my roos are great the first 6 months-then they have all turned into terds! They have all gone to freezer camp eventually-the only one I have that seems to me that it will make it over that hump is my big fat standard black cochin roo-very sweet and loavable at 8 months old so well see-he never goes after me even when I pick his girls up or move them for their eggs. The rest all go-as heart breaking as it is sometimes my girls deserve breaks and their feathers to return at least 2x a year. I go without roos for a mnth or two at a time then replace with up and coming new ones...

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