Florida Always Sunny Side up Chicken Swap. UPDATE

Missie:  I've never had Rosemary cornbread.  I sounds yummy.

SunnyChic: I'll add that to the poultry list.   I hope everyone comes and has a good time.  I'm having flashbacks to my 16th birthday party. No one came.     :hit

No flashbacks allowed..... I am bringing a chicken friend. And bringing you the eggs I promised: FBCMaran over Welsummers. Have been collecting all week. Only getting 2 a day. My other girls are broody, one has 5 chicks and one has 3 so far. Just my luck very few eggs.

I sold the ducks, so I am not bringing them. If anyone is interested in golden laced wyandottes 1 year old, I will bring them. I still don't know if my friend is coming with the dorkings and buckeyes.

The German potato salad isn't sounding good to me (it's a hot salad), so I'll bring another salad, maybe 3 bean salad, or if something else looks good at the farmer's market, I'll bring another type of salad. I will also bring the fruit.

Looking forward to those bantam cochins. Hopefully I can get my guys some girls.

Missie: I've never had Rosemary cornbread. I sounds yummy.
i am not making any promises but if i AM NOT TOO TIRED AND HAVE TIME i WILL MAKE IT TOMORROW NIGHT. i still have to clean and take the cover off the grill> i WILL MAKE THE SALAD TOMORROW, IT IS NOW A ROASTED CORN, BLACK BEAN AND MANGO SALAD, i MAY MAKE HALF WITH MANGO AND HALF WITH GRAPE TOMATOES FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT LIKE MANGO. i will admit i LIKE HEAT AND SPICE IN MY FOOD NOT TOO MUCH BUT IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE TABASCO SAUCE WHICH IS HEAT FOR BABIES IN MY WORLD MINE WILL BE HOT. i am spicing it down but it will be flavorful < my homemade jerk chicken will clear your sinuses! my keyboard is having a issue so please ignore the caps and punctuaTION!
That sound wonderful, Missy! Should I bring paperplates and napkins?

I will bring a pair of Black Cayaga ducks, whick breaks my heart, but the female is really loud and my male Rouen wants to kill them.
Plantcityhomestead: It should be good either way. I think you should bring the GL Wyandotes. I know one of my neighbors will be there and he's trying to add new genes to his mixed flock. I've seen posts where there are others coming who are shopping. LOL

seviesnape: I love spicey food.

chicks in the sun: I'm glad you volunteered the plates and utensils. Nava was gonna bring them but she's not coming.

I'll make the changes on the list.

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