Hello from Crestview!!!
Hi!! Nice to see someone so close!
HELLO:) I am new to back yard chickens and would like to learn so much more:) I love chickens:)
Hello, and welcome. I certainly have learned alot on this thread. You will find good friendly advice, support and encouragement here. (Group hug!)
uh oh! I've added a 2 week old guinea fowl, in hopes of hawk patrol, and a 2 month old black silkie to my flock.

boy I tell you what, during the day, the guinea was so quick and hid from us for over an hour. now that it's late, 100% docile. it's unreal!

the silkie is a total, total sweetheart!
I was doing some internet research on adding them to the flock for warning since the incident you had. I don't have the land for that. let us know how that works out. Surprised to hear the fowl is docile because the reading I did says they are people shy. Bonus for you!
Only try to handle the babies if the sow is SECURED! If you make her babies squeal, she will come after you. I always go in slowly with a bucket and shovel. I take up the afterbirth and bury it well away from the pig enclosure. All of my pigs are friendly, but the sows will try to eat me if she thinks I'm harming her young. For all vetting of young, we secure the sow first. After all vetting is complete, we turn her back in with her babies.

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