We haven't gotten into bantams (yet).
But we have quite the variety of standard breeds. I love getting new breeds!
I will try to get contact info from her for you. I should be over that way tommorrow. Last time I was over there she tried to give me the geese! After she told how mean they are lol i said no thanks we eat mean birds at my house!

What kind do u have? Im interested in getting my flocks bigger I do some bantams and some standard

I have Buttercups, Golden Penciled Hamburgs, Blue Andalusians, Easter Eggers and Phoenix. I also have Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Black Stars and more Easter Eggers, but they are very young and won't be available for a few months.
Question about automatic gravity chicken feeders in FL. We built one out of PVC while the girls were on "grower" feed. I think we installed it in June or July. There was enough feed in there to feed them for one week. Well, I noticed the the feed wouldn't fall through the PVC well. But if I pulled at the feed at the bottom, it would fall down. I attributed this to humidity,and the feed swelling with moisture. The other issue we noticed was rain. When it rained, some would collect at the bottom where the chickens were supposed to get their food. Then the feed would turn to mush. Well one day (warning this is super gross) I went out there and saw it was all mush again. So I grabbed a large serving spoon (which has since been thrown away) and started to scoop out the mush. Well I was greeted with maggots. The entire bottom portion was fulled with maggots. After clearing that out, I tried to get more feed to fall, and it too was filled with maggots. I had no more patience for the maggots, after filling an entire office sized garbage can with maggot feed. I left the rest to hubby. He said the entire feeder was filled with maggots. So we threw it all away. (I am sure someone will tell me that chickens love to eat maggot, but their were thousands! And these chickens are prissy!)
Hubby doesn't want to use the feeder again. Here is an example of what we had (from a website, we don't have pics of ours)

The end of ours is a little different.

Anyhow. My thoughts are that the type of feed we were using was not a good combo with this type of feeder b/c of the humidity. Plus if we had a way to shelter the end of the feeder so rain didn't collect we wouldn't get the maggot problem. Any suggestions or input??
Question about automatic gravity chicken feeders in FL. We built one out of PVC while the girls were on "grower" feed. I think we installed it in June or July. There was enough feed in there to feed them for one week. Well, I noticed the the feed wouldn't fall through the PVC well. But if I pulled at the feed at the bottom, it would fall down. I attributed this to humidity,and the feed swelling with moisture. The other issue we noticed was rain. When it rained, some would collect at the bottom where the chickens were supposed to get their food. Then the feed would turn to mush. Well one day (warning this is super gross) I went out there and saw it was all mush again. So I grabbed a large serving spoon (which has since been thrown away) and started to scoop out the mush. Well I was greeted with maggots. The entire bottom portion was fulled with maggots. After clearing that out, I tried to get more feed to fall, and it too was filled with maggots. I had no more patience for the maggots, after filling an entire office sized garbage can with maggot feed. I left the rest to hubby. He said the entire feeder was filled with maggots. So we threw it all away. (I am sure someone will tell me that chickens love to eat maggot, but their were thousands! And these chickens are prissy!) Hubby doesn't want to use the feeder again. Here is an example of what we had (from a website, we don't have pics of ours) The end of ours is a little different. Anyhow. My thoughts are that the type of feed we were using was not a good combo with this type of feeder b/c of the humidity. Plus if we had a way to shelter the end of the feeder so rain didn't collect we wouldn't get the maggot problem. Any suggestions or input?? Thanks!
Ok, first, ewwwwew. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. With our Florida humidity levels, I too have worried about this problem. It's one the reasons I don't think a gravity feeder will work for us. I just put out feed throughout the day. Also, it is possible that the feed was already contaminated when you purchased it, so I would suggest examining the feed immediately after purchase.
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