It wa so cold this morning. I was expecting 50s but got 40s. My baby chicks were out in the coop, and had warm bodies this am, but cool feet. I'm thinking they might not be ok if tonite gets colder, so maybe I'll put them in the garage tonite, then back outside tomorrow in the sunshine.
It wa so cold this morning. I was expecting 50s but got 40s. My baby chicks were out in the coop, and had warm bodies this am, but cool feet. I'm thinking they might not be ok if tonite gets colder, so maybe I'll put them in the garage tonite, then back outside tomorrow in the sunshine.

I really don't know what else to do with my chicks and the cold weather. They are 8 to 10th weeks. Last night I lost two. I know it's because the weather. My flock is going through flow pox so that don't help either. It's too many to put inside. :( they will have to cope. I do have plastic around the coop and wood panels so they don't get the wind. I guess it's just not enough.
Quote: Do you have any heat lamps you can put out into your coop? I have used a small space heater before also. I put it where the chicks couldn't get to it and touch it. Maybe a heating pad. I have used a large melon box and put wire over it with a heat lamp on top. Maybe a large furniture box from a furniture store or just a large box from somewhere. Just some suggestions.

Years ago I put up some heat lamps in a coop I had young chicks in. They all survived.
I really don't know what else to do with my chicks and the cold weather. They are 8 to 10th weeks. Last night I lost two. I know it's because the weather. My flock is going through flow pox so that don't help either. It's too many to put inside. :( they will have to cope. I do have plastic around the coop and wood panels so they don't get the wind. I guess it's just not enough.

I put half a capful colloidal silver in about 2 cups of water for my birds. This is to build their immune systems for the first month or two, and diatomaceous earth in their feed to kill intestinal parasites and any bugs in the feed. I keep my baby chicks in a guinea pig cage, so it is easy to bring them in and out. I usually give them a week in the laundry room with a heatlamp, then two or three weeks in the garage with the lamp. I let them out with supervision during that time. Now they are three or four weeks, I bring their cage out in the sun with the door open, so they are out with the pullets now. Last night I expected 37 degrees, so I put the cage in the garage, off the floor, covered with two bath towels. They were fine, but it stayed in the 40s last night. I think having them out during the day helps them mature faster. I gauge their cold tolerance by putting my hand around their body, and by touching their feet. Normal is for both to feel warm, but after a cold night the bodies are warm, but the feet cold. I think they are ok that way. Cold body and feet is probably close to death, but we have not had that.
I guess I figured out how to upload pics! :)


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