This is the first time I have ever incubated something, I haven't even had an experience with birds at all! I am on day 15 of Texas a&m quail incubation! (I am raising the as pets)
@dawg53, Thanks! I still have to add a little trim, then wait for the lumber to dry out so I can paint. My son and I build it and we are very happy with it.
You might consider laying an "apron" of 1/2" hardware cloth on the ground going all the way around the outside perimeter of the pen. Somehow attach it to the boards on the base of the pen. Put it out about 15" from the base of the pen. The apron will prevent critters from digging through the soil to get inside the pen ie; rats, possums, coons, dogs etc...
Grass will eventually grow through the apron and wont be noticeable.
New to this. We are in Tampa. We have 3 Black Australorps, 2 Isa Browns, and 1 White Leghorn. They've been in the house for 3 weeks. We'll probably move them to their permanent home in 2 more weeks. Learning as we go and enjoying the journey.
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:welcome :frow Very Nice... Only one suggestion. I live in Florida too near Ocala. You may want to put more vents in the coop for ventilation. Do you have any wire around the bottom to keep predators from digging under? It will be awhile before your birds are discovered. We have a farm swap twice a month. If you ever get up our way stop in and say hi. Good luck and have fun...
Beautiful and sweet Buff Minorca Rooster needs new home. We can only have hens no cockerels. He is super human friendly, likes to cuddle, and is an excellent protector. He’s almost 5 months old. I will drive to drop off anywhere in the state.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I added a vent to the back of the coop. Now I can open the window in the front and get air flow through the coop, and I added 12" oscillating fan inside. I also bought some hardware cloth to put down as an apron which I will add this weekend. I'll probably end up adding a crushed shell border around the coop to match my garden area and cover the apron. Also planning on using a microcontroller to monitor temperature and turn on a fan or a heat source depending on temperature. Supposed to get my sensors and relay board tomorrow, so I can start programming it this weekend. Might also add a chicken camera live feed just for fun, lol.

I moved them into the coop earlier this week and they all seem happy. My kids absolutely love having chickens! I can't wait for the fresh eggs in a few months!
Hi i have a 24 week old meat chicken that weighs at least 7lbs, he is good with other chickens and is a little scared of people he does NOT bite, he LOVES fruit and his food i have to re home him because i have work and i can not provide him with the care that he needs i am asking for $30.00 because of all of the money i have put towards him (food,grit,feeder,etc.) if you are interested please let me know i live in the port st lucie area of Florida https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=RW0xV1gyRENrbnkzOTBKaG9SdW5OUU9FUzh1STdR

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