Flushes for aiding in toxin removal

@casportpony come have a look at lilas poop please.

They are gorgeous scovys. I started out with 3 solid white females all with gorgeous blue eyes they have all died of old age now.

I can't remember how long you said lila has been like this but seems if a toxin you would have seen her neck limber also. I don't know hopefully casportpony will be here to have a look.

Might want to consider worming them if you never have and casportpony can help there too.
yes probably wouldn't hurt to worm in any case, because we started an Epsom salt flush, (just one day so far, i'm thinking as you mentioned, I don't get the sense that it a toxin etc) and probiotic and nutritional yeast, we didn't want to do everything at once.....will look forward to @casportpony thoughts and guidance......thank you!
yes this is her poops for last 4-5 days or so, but she has been on probiotics, has been on a flush for one day, and I've been adding quite a bit of steamed oats and more nutritional yeast.......is organic tofu as a treat ok? the last time she laid an egg was in July, and her stiff weak legs began about 4-5days ago
yes this is her poops for last 4-5 days or so, but she has been on probiotics, has been on a flush for one day, and I've been adding quite a bit of steamed oats and more nutritional yeast.......is organic tofu as a treat ok? the last time she laid an egg was in July, and her stiff weak legs began about 4-5days ago

I honestly don't know about the tofu... :confused:

Flush will keep her poop loose... how is her appetite? Is she eating properly? Less or same as she has before?

How is her weight? Lost any? Anything else besides leg issue, like lethargy?

Could she have strained her leg, banged it up?
Injured her back?

As for laying my scovy's are through laying for the year. So she probably isn't egg bound unless your in southern most states where they tend to lay all year or my friend in Texas hers do. But egg bound takes them pretty quick unless they can pass the egg.
information for treatments read online should always be researched for yourself. It is always best to consult an avian vet when dealing with illness in geese. The information below is how WE dose and use the flushes here on our farm.


Epsom Salt Flush:
3 Tsp. Epsom Salts.
1 ½ Cups water
¼ – ½ gram vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
2 – 3 times a day for 3 days or until a full recovery is made.

Molasses Flush:
1 cup Molasses
2 ½ gallons water
5 – 6 grams vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
! !Do not exceed 8 hours ! ! After 8 hours replace Molasses flush with vitamin and electrolyte water

Activated Charcoal Slurry
1 tsp. Activated Charcoal Powder
8 oz. – Pure Water
Dose 6 – 8 times daily

**These flushes will cause slight to moderate dehydration as they work to expel toxins and foreign matter from your birds system. After giving a flush, offer a steady supply of vitamin and electrolyte fortified water until a full recovery is made.

we prefer to use steamed oats (quacker like humans eat) and mashed egg when a bird is ill. Isolated into a dog kennel, covered to keep darker and quiet and keeping stress to a minimum.
Thank you so much your always there for me and Aflac

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