hello byc,
i was chatting in some other threads here and the subject of growing fodder and meal worms came up. after a little research i found out its pretty easy to do both of these and i have almost everything i need on hand for start up, minus seeds and live meal worms.
I'm currently drawing up plans for set ups in this venture, but i need some info from fellow chicken raisers hopefully from those who already do this.
first off i have 12 birds all large fowl, and my end goal is to reduce or get away from pre mixed feed. as well has have 100% organic non gmo feeds for my chickens. ( i sell eggs and would like to be able to tell customers they are getting the best they can get) as we all know the good feed is usually old in stores and doesn't last long and is much more expensive.
first question is on the total diet. if i fed them meal worms and fodder every day what else would they need to make up a complete diet?
second is how much fodder and meal worms would i need per day per chicken so i can do the math and figure out the size my operation needs to be.
3, what are the best seeds to fodder, should i vary the fodder or keep with just 1 seed type.
4, are live meal worms better to feed chickens or the dry ones?
5, best locations for ordering meal worms, worm feed, and seeds for fodder ( everything needs to be non-go and organic)
6, any advice to save me some pains later? experience is the best teacher and i always look for peoples experience to learn from.
my " for now set up plans"
meal worm- big old fish tank ( has crack which ill repair with resin so a good recycle free option)and a reptile heat pad. plan on cutting a screen and making a lid that way.
plan on using the mason jar technique, i have plenty of big mason jars laying around, was gonna build a rack out of wood that the jars would sit at a 45 degree angle in. cheese cloth with rubber band over opening, and a plastic bin under the set up for water to drain in.
i was chatting in some other threads here and the subject of growing fodder and meal worms came up. after a little research i found out its pretty easy to do both of these and i have almost everything i need on hand for start up, minus seeds and live meal worms.
I'm currently drawing up plans for set ups in this venture, but i need some info from fellow chicken raisers hopefully from those who already do this.
first off i have 12 birds all large fowl, and my end goal is to reduce or get away from pre mixed feed. as well has have 100% organic non gmo feeds for my chickens. ( i sell eggs and would like to be able to tell customers they are getting the best they can get) as we all know the good feed is usually old in stores and doesn't last long and is much more expensive.
first question is on the total diet. if i fed them meal worms and fodder every day what else would they need to make up a complete diet?
second is how much fodder and meal worms would i need per day per chicken so i can do the math and figure out the size my operation needs to be.
3, what are the best seeds to fodder, should i vary the fodder or keep with just 1 seed type.
4, are live meal worms better to feed chickens or the dry ones?
5, best locations for ordering meal worms, worm feed, and seeds for fodder ( everything needs to be non-go and organic)
6, any advice to save me some pains later? experience is the best teacher and i always look for peoples experience to learn from.
my " for now set up plans"
meal worm- big old fish tank ( has crack which ill repair with resin so a good recycle free option)and a reptile heat pad. plan on cutting a screen and making a lid that way.
plan on using the mason jar technique, i have plenty of big mason jars laying around, was gonna build a rack out of wood that the jars would sit at a 45 degree angle in. cheese cloth with rubber band over opening, and a plastic bin under the set up for water to drain in.