Solved Followers and Profile access error


Chicken Juggler!
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Nov 27, 2012
SW Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
So someone can follow me(got an alert)...but I can't see their profile??
That doesn't seem quite fair.
I didn't really know about followers it kinda creeps me out.

Is there any way to not allow anyone to 'follow' you?
If someone wants to see my posts, there are other ways.
Probably just a semi-cathartic vent.
Unfortunately, that's just the way it works. They are able to limit their profile while still being able to follow members. They follow you because they want to see your posts etc in their feed, rather than you needing / wanting to see their posts.
'Lurkers' shouldn't have such perks.
They can follow me, but I can't follow them?!
All profiles should be accessible by other members.....
(anyone can choose what they share in their profiles) well as all content of their threads and posts.
IMO. Sorry, BS meter must be set ultra sensitive today.
Check these can change them to:
Members only
All visitors or
PEOPLE YOU FOLLOW if you are not following anyone then no one should be able to see your profile.
Screen Shot 2017-05-26 at 9.23.03 AM.png
You're missing my point @KikisGirls.

I don't care that any member sees my profile,
I control the info there and have access to see all my posts and threads.

But if someone is following me, I should be able to see their profile as they too can control the info there.
..and I think we should have to choice to not allow anyone to follow us.
You're missing my point @KikisGirls.

I don't care that any member sees my profile,
I control the info there and have access to see all my posts and threads.

But if someone is following me, I should be able to see their profile as they too can control the info there.
..and I think we should have to choice to not allow anyone to follow us.
I will start by saying that I HOPE I am responding to this correctly. If not please correct me. Possibly I am the person who followed you this morning and you could not see my profile. I decided this AM to figure out how to use this website and decided to "follow" all the members (if I could remember their names) that have previously posted information that has helped me this past year. I have gone back to my profile to make it visible (I hope) and do understand your concerns about this. As I read these forums/threads, I do not have anything to add but have much to learn so I am hoping this is not considered lurking. Please block me if I have offended as this was not my intention. Thanks for all, unknown to you, the guidance on chicken care you have provided me.
'Lurkers' shouldn't have such perks.
They can follow me, but I can't follow them?!
All profiles should be accessible by other members.....
(anyone can choose what they share in their profiles) well as all content of their threads and posts.
IMO. Sorry, BS meter must be set ultra sensitive today.
One of my good BYC friends had accidentally set her profile settingsvso that none of us could view it. :( We all told her and she fixed it.
Great discussion!

I can understand how someone "following" you can feel a little bit off at first.

One really important thing to keep in mind is that even on the old platform (or any publicly-accessible forum) anybody could follow anybody at any time. All someone has to do is bookmark the link that goes to a search page of results of everything you've posted.

So, what people are doing now with "following someone" on this system isn't any different than what they were doing before... it's just a bit more organized this way.

In fact, IMO, this system is even better than not having the feature. With this system you can actually see who is falling you. I'd suggest this is better than either not knowing people are following you, or knowing they are, but not how many or who.

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