Font size

If it's too big, you should zoom out. It's as simple as that. ;)
But then the smaller text (on the side bar, profiles, signatures etc.) would be too small!

I don't mind it. After a short adjustment period, I think it will seem normal with the bonus of improving innate accessibility for people with mild vision problems. I can't see (no pun intended) a downside to the change.

I do understand the discomfort of "getting your cheese moved" but I don't think that's a reason to not switch anything. I recall when the forum moved to a new platform people were up in arms for weeks but now it's never mentioned. :p
Yeah, we'll all get used to it.
I've gotten used to the font size rather quickly. At first, I noticed it, but now, it's like nothing ever changed. The only issues I have with it (which isn't really a big deal for me) is one, the font in your typing box isn't as big as it will be when it is posted. (To me, that should be fixed and would make sense if it did, but it's not really a big deal to me.) The other issue is it makes long posts look longer, thus making them more discouraging to read.

A lot of people who have been happy with this change seem to have bad eyesight. I don't. I have excellent eyesight and can read things both close and far away. So far as the size making it easier for me to read things, the size doesn't matter. I honestly don't mind this change at all, and for how fast I've gotten used to it, it's a plus. I probably wouldn't have forgotten anything had changed if people everywhere wasn't talking about it all the time.

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