~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

fluff didnt know what she was doing and started mysteriously levitating
Van erased the two paragraph post that took much too long to write, because she decided not to fit in. She materialized in front of the kicked in doors and zyoomed over to the levitater. Then whispered, "mayonnaise."
Sary twitched, trying to fight the temptation to fidget and at the same time curtailing herself from forcefully ripping the future out of Amer. "I'm...I don't want to...I can't...no," she finally concluded, shutting her eyes tight against all of the pressure.
“I’m confused,” Amer admitted. “But I PROMISE NOT TO SPOIL ANYTHING if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I’m confused,” Amer admitted. “But I PROMISE NOT TO SPOIL ANYTHING if that’s what you’re worried about.”
"Okay, we will come back to this, but---" Sary gestured wildly at their companions that were hovering mid-air. "---did we just...by any chance...phase into the Lost Cities? Or gimme another suitable explanation."
"Okay, we will come back to this, but---" Sary gestured wildly at their companions that were hovering mid-air. "---did we just...by any chance...phase into the Lost Cities? Or gimme another suitable explanation."
“Does this explain anything?” Amer whistled and five flamingoes emerged from the shadows. “Up,” she commanded. The flamingoes got beneath her and hovered above the ground, Amer leaning off their backs like a princess on a litter, or a magic carpet. All five flamingoes began to whistle A Whole New World.
River also didn't know what she was doing, and didn't want to be out done, so she began levitating higher.
fluff decided to develop a superiority complex and levitated so high that her head touched the ceiling
Van erased the two paragraph post that took much too long to write, because she decided not to fit in. She materialized in front of the kicked in doors and zyoomed over to the levitater. Then whispered, "mayonnaise."
fluff channeled her inner canine and barked in surprise "dost thou justn sayeth MAYONNAY" her eyes went black, staring into van's pure soul
Gail finished frantically typing and lay on her back, staring at the levitating peeps. "Parzival!" She called. He looked up at her from his tousle with Chonk. She pointed at Fluff, and he darted up, squirming in between her head and the ceiling. Gail snickered, and then busied herself trying to look innocent.
fluff, her eyes as black as the fine tip of a wayward sharpie on the tile floor of an abandoned elementary school on the outskirts of town looked to where Gail lay on the ground. With her eyes black, she unfortunately lost all sight, but she knew where everything was. she just knew. maybe she could smell where everything was. or taste. maybe she was tied up by the ropes of needing to make references every 3 minutes. all in all, sight or not, she knew. shakily raising her finger to point at gail, fluff uttered a simple little string of words. words so uniform, so familiar, they were like those candy necklaces from ripped apart childhoods. pastel pretty to the eyes, but bitter and harsh on the tongue. "fite me"
fluff decided to develop a superiority complex and levitated so high that her head touched the ceiling

fluff channeled her inner canine and barked in surprise "dost thou justn sayeth MAYONNAY" her eyes went black, staring into van's pure soul
Gail finished frantically typing and lay on her back, staring at the levitating peeps. "Parzival!" She called. He looked up at her from his tousle with Chonk. She pointed at Fluff, and he darted up, squirming in between her head and the ceiling. Gail snickered, and then busied herself trying to look innocent.
"Aha!" River rose to the ceiling and watched happily as Fluff was pushed away from it by Parzival.
She looked down, pointing at Gail. "This one, I like."
fluff, her eyes as black as the fine tip of a wayward sharpie on the tile floor of an abandoned elementary school on the outskirts of town looked to where Gail lay on the ground. With her eyes black, she unfortunately lost all sight, but she knew where everything was. she just knew. maybe she could smell where everything was. or taste. maybe she was tied up by the ropes of needing to make references every 3 minutes. all in all, sight or not, she knew. shakily raising her finger to point at gail, fluff uttered a simple little string of words. words so uniform, so familiar, they were like those candy necklaces from ripped apart childhoods. pastel pretty to the eyes, but bitter and harsh on the tongue. "fite me"
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"Go eat a kidney, Fluff."

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