~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

Boy grinned, "Suuuure. Kids! Your moms friend wants you to go on the adventure with them! Get dressed!" He yelled back into the house, he turned back to her and took the Switch back still smiling. "They can't have this. But I can."
A little confused and saddened by him taking the switch she nodded and gave her thanks then ran away to find the warehouse he was talking about.
Parzival flopped over like a rag doll as the cat tackled him, then immediately started wrestling with him. Parzival used many dog tactics as he tabled the turns on Chonk, teasing him mercilessly.

Gail wrinkled her nose. "That's a whole lot of trouble to go to for a bunch of rich buttholes."

Gail nodded enthusiastically, pointing at her. "I like this one."
"Ok," Bri said. "If you want to kill them, you can."
"Well I for one won't be killing anyone," Bri said. "I'm sure we can find some rope around here. We'll figure the bathroom thingy out."
"Naw she's fine, just being terdy.", Gary said plucking Lavvy from Sary's head, then almost tackling her in a hug. "Heh, glad you're here."
Bri pulled out her mop and individually bopped each person on the head and told them to claim square footage of the warehouse for the night.
Amer claimed square footage on a couple of feed bags. “Animal feed is surprisingly comfortable,” she said, unpeeling Shiloh from where he was enthusiastically biting a cat food bag.
She used Shiloh as a pillow and sank into the luxurious softness. Shiloh submitted easily, knowing being a pillow was one of his greatest purposes in his purpose-filled life. Amer booped him on the nose, activating the massage pillow function.
Then she lay back and pulled out her Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy book, peeking over at Roo during a particularly sappy Fitzphie moment.
Apparently Roo’s pillow was malfunctioning.
"Someone must've activated cheats and set the tick speed way high" (MC reference), he looked at the sky and remembered it seemed like day a few minutes ago. "or we just got up late"
Sary nodded, pretending like she totally knew what he was talking about, because being found out as ignorant was definitely not a favorite pastime of hers. "Either way, I ain't bedding now," she declared defiantly, then added, grumbling, "I miss enough as it is."
"well alright brie cheese, whatever you say. But if you need mechanical help, you know where to find me" fluff walked away backwards doing finger guns.

a good ol boppin was served to fluff's head that contained her small brain. she claimed square footage right next to gary, sary, and van if van ever got accepted because i wasnt paying attention and im too lazy to go a page back. fluff watched in awe at the dap activities going on,,
the daptivities
Amer claimed square footage on a couple of feed bags. “Animal feed is surprisingly comfortable,” she said, unpeeling Shiloh from where he was enthusiastically biting a cat food bag.
She used Shiloh as a pillow and sank into the luxurious softness. Shiloh submitted easily, knowing being a pillow was one of his greatest purposes in his purpose-filled life. Amer booped him on the nose, activating the massage pillow function.
Then she lay back and pulled out her Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy book, peeking over at Roo during a particularly sappy Fitzphie moment.
Apparently Roo’s pillow was malfunctioning.
"I'm not going anywhere near that book," Sarah proclaimed hotly, crossing her arms and very much looking ready to remain standing in that exact position all night if it came down to it.
Sary nodded, pretending like she totally knew what he was talking about, because being found out as ignorant was definitely not a favorite pastime of hers. "Either way, I ain't bedding now," she declared defiantly, then added, grumbling, "I miss enough as it is."

"I'm not going anywhere near that book," Sarah proclaimed hotly, crossing her arms and very much looking ready to remain standing in that exact position all night if needed be.
“Oh right,” Amer said, taking her cue and setting her book on Shiloh as a stand-in head. “KEEEEPERRRR OF THE LOST CITIEEEEEEES!” Amer ran at full speed towards Sary and hugged her. “We HAVE to discuss that book of yours,” she said.
“Oh right,” Amer said, taking her cue and setting her book on Shiloh as a stand-in head. “KEEEEPERRRR OF THE LOST CITIEEEEEEES!” Amer ran at full speed towards Sary and hugged her. “We HAVE to discuss that book of yours,” she said.
Sary giggled happily- giggled. Which is not a normal Sary thing. These delinquents were the only people in the world that could get away with hugging her, and, boy, was it nice when she got those embraces. Not that she'd ever let on about that, for course. "Which one? I've got 12 right now." She stepped back to shoot a glare toward Shiloh and his nefarious hat. "Neverseen being one of them." Then it hit her. "Or...oh no...you mean TFD, don't you?"
Sary giggled happily- giggled. Which is not a normal Sary thing. These delinquents were the only people in the world that could get away with hugging her, and, boy, was it nice when she got those embraces. Not that she'd ever let on about that, for course. "Which one? I've got 12 right now." She stepped back to shoot a glare toward Shiloh and his nefarious hat. "Neverseen being one of them." Then it hit her. "Or...oh no...you mean TFD, don't you?"
“What’s that?” Amer asked, feeling remarkably stupid when acronyms were mentioned.

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