Foot Injury

A daily warm soak to her foot using saline, or almost anything, will do her more good than anything. The Neosporin should be applied twice a day. But if she is in the dirt, I would probably just coat it in the betadine.
:goodpost: I agree completely!
Even just the warm epsomsalts or saline is good for helping her recover. Daily soaking, or as often as you can manage it, will help. Anything you can do to keep her foot clean and dry too. (Easier said than done, I know!) The neosporin option will collect dirt and debris much easier than the betadine. Soak, dry, betadine dip, air dry, then onto the substrate. If there’s any way to get her onto coarser bedding it would be good.

Can chickens bruise under their scales? I know they can bruise on their muscles and it changes the texture and quality of the meat. Just the colouration seems to be changing, and the dark spots really remind me of bruising...

I’m just coming off a very bad sprain on my ankle, so I’m probably just projecting... but I managed to bruise in places I couldn’t see, and all the way down to the base of my toes, it took me over a week for the swelling to go down enough for my shoe to fit on. Just from a rolled ankle... I really do feel for your girl, foot and ankle pain is awful!
Looks like one of these:
View attachment 1674684
Thank you! I could have done this too I feel stupid for not.. sorry I was trying to ask you all about how to continue caring for the chicken while trying to figure out how to disassemble and reassemble the engine on my snow blower before this weekends winter storm again. I appreciate everyones help!
Zip ties might work, but they are strong animals and use teeth and claws. I would try it. They chewed up my aluminum cat food cans while sitting inside the trap waiting to be found. My neighbor, a farmer agave me the idea about the straw bales and tarp, but I spent a lot time trying to get the tarp loose from the trap after it was so shredded by the clawing raccoon. Bricks or a cinder block may work. Experimenting is the best way to find what works. My neighbor also told me how much they love the Snickers bars because of the peanuts, LOL.

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