Foot swelling, not Bumblefoot or gout


6 Years
Aug 5, 2015

My 5 year old hen has had swelling in her right foot for over a month now. I came to realize she likely had scaley leg mites, so I’ve been treating her and the rest of the flock as well as the coop for a month. The swelling isn’t getting any better. It clearly is hurting her, she stops and picks up her foot and looks at it all the time. There is absolutely no Bumblefoot indications, and I’ve dealt with Bumblefoot before. I read up on gout and do not believe that could be the problem either. The swelling is soft, not warm to the touch. It’s kind of like it’s fluid-filled. I want to help her but have no idea what could be wrong. Any ideas?
Swelling on the foot is Bumblefoot, it's not just a patch on the bottom of the foot.
I would try soaking in betadine, chlorhexidine or even epsom salts to see if that helps the swelling. You may have to lance the swelling eventually if it doesn't go down.

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