For People In The North East......* Heat Wave* & *Bad Storms*

We're getting ready to go to a Pork Festival. Have put it off as long as possible in the day. I just added ice to the waterers for the ducks and chickens.

I have 100 chicks coming next week from Privett. I am afraid for them arriving in such heat.

out our lovely southern weather. I love it!
Thinking about taking the canoe out tomorrow.
Aren't you all the same people that were just complaining about all the snow and cold????????? Ya just can't can't please some people!!!!!!!!
Be careful that the tarp is not closing them in. Tarps will also hold in the heat and not let it escape.
no, the tractor is fairly big and the tarp covers half of it, so it's half shadow half sun. all the waterers are in the shadow, and i'm about to go out with ice to put in their waterers.
You will never, ever, ever hear me complain about the cold. I absolutely hate this heat. High today was 94°. You can keep it! Tomorrow is supposed to be worse, and Monday just plain miserable.

I spent the day trying to haul dirt from the front yard to the back. I'd do a load, go to the shade and drink iced tea, then do another and go in the house where it's still relatively cool. I've got to get the vegetable garden finished (I'm moving it) and this heat isn't helping! Why can't we have spring then summer?
Ditto down here in CT. This is cutting into my gardening and chicken time hiding
out in the AC. I love the cold.
It was wicked hot here today. I worked today driving and I think I burned every layer of my skin!
And if I deliver another package and people come from their nice cool a/c'ed home to say "Hot enough for ya'?" I'm gonna

I give my birds frozen corn kernels and green peas in the heat. Also ice in the water dishes helps keep them cool.
I think corn is really bad for chickens in the heat.....thats why your not supposed to feed them scratch. The high carbs makes the body have to work and it supposed to heat them up. I dont know if being frozen will balance that out....but maybe someone else will share what they think about it
Went to a Nature Festival today in northeastern PA. Attended a climate seminar. According to this lady (PennFuture representative), statistics say we are an average of 4 degrees warmer than 20 years ago. At this continuing rate, our weather will more mimic Virginia in another twenty !

I miss my old Pennsylvania weather! (By the way, we are the third highest state in greenhouse emissions, California & Texas are higher. Now some state are smaller and other less populated, so it's not a per person greenhouse emission standard.)

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