for those of you with hawk issues?

A raptor of some sort got one our pullers.Lots of feathers left.We now have fishing line w/CD's attached over their yard. Also a scarecrow in the middle.
The fishing line trick only works with a tangled mess of mono-filament. This type trap is commonalty used by the Fish & Wildlife folks to capture raptors for population and tagging studies.

Unless you plan on tagging your hawks with a Louisville Slugger it will prove useless because fishing line is invisible to birds and no one makes headphones small enough that a hawk can use them to listen to a CD.
Ha! Thanks for the heads up. We read in another post that the shiny CD tied to the fishing line is a method to give hawks and owls pause since they see the shiny objects as well as the wind that spins the object around. Hopefully this will work.

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