For U.K. members, think again about using hardware cloth in coops.

I made mine several years ago. I have a sign machine we use for our auction biz. Have a few others, but not "family freindly" so can't post those here.
This is remind me one episode of "Married With Children", a burglar sued Al Bondy for hitting him during a burglary, and he won.
I made mine several years ago. I have a sign machine we use for our auction biz. Have a few others, but not "family freindly" so can't post those here.

I have to make one of those for my brooder shed. Those darn kids and their parents "borrow" a chick every now and then.
That or the game cam pics are rigged and chicks disappear.
perchie.girl :

I would only use a gun to protect myself. Property can be replaced.

Waiting to find out if they're only after property is a good way to never get the chance to protect yourself.​
Waiting to find out if they're only after property is a good way to never get the chance to protect yourself.

Amen! They make the choice to break in,.

I'd know something was going on far before they had a chnce to break in. Dogs Guineas and that sixth sense we gals have for noises that are out of place....
In all the years I lived there alone, I was woken up exactly three times with noises that were out of place. Even on starlit nights im pretty good at spotting things. All three times they were border patrol checking on my place.
perchie.girl :

Amen! They make the choice to break in,.

I'd know something was going on far before they had a chnce to break in. Dogs Guineas and that sixth sense we gals have for noises that are out of place....
In all the years I lived there alone, I was woken up exactly three times with noises that were out of place. Even on starlit nights im pretty good at spotting things. All three times they were border patrol checking on my place.​

It's not just a gal sixth sense but a survival one. I can sleep through anything. Doors slaming, kids hollering, the dog barking at nothing, my wife getting the kids ready for school, etc. But if one of the kids tries to tip-toe through the house, one of the dogs makes a single growl that's out of the ordinary, a car stops on the road near our house... any tiny little slight sound that registers in my subconcious mind that is "off" - and I'm intantly wide awake and reaching for the "booger getter".
I guess for some of us it's a primal leftover thing or something.
I don't ever want to hurt or harm anyone. I am the world's biggest pacifist. But I'm also a realist and know that as long as bad people do bad things, you will either stand up and protect yourself or be ran over or killed. I never want another person's life on my soul, but if it's them or me... I'll live with it.

Two things come to my mind in discusions like this. One was a quote I read (Can't remember the man's name) that stated "Evil flurishes when good men do nothing".
The other is something my Grandfather taught me. He said people shouldn't fight. If they have a problem, they should just get together and talk it out like adults and either reach and agreement or just stay away from each other afterwards and stay out of each other's business. I said "But Pa, some people you just can't talk to". He just smiled that wise old smile and said "Son, you can talk to anyone and they'll listen. You just have to talk the launguage they understand. Some of them you can talk face to face with and be very polite and peaceful, and some folks just have to be laying at your feet bleeding looking up at you when you talk, but you can talk to anyone".

Now, I'm just a simple uneducated country boy. I've never had a pot to p*** in or a window to dump it out of as the saying goes. But what little I have is mine. I worked for it, I earned it and nobody's going to take it away from me without a fight. I've worked all my life since I was 15 years old doing a man's work for a man's wages and giving a full days work in exchange for a day's pay. I've seldom made over minimum wage and many times worked for less. I've raised 5 good kids, I take care of our bills and my wife who is disabled, my home is not worth much, but it's mine and it's paid for and we eat enough to keep us healthy and able to get up in the mornings and go at it again.
I might give a person something I've got, and have done so many times if I thought they needed it more than me, because that's just how I am. But a no good thief ain't going to come on my place and leave with anything except ballast and extra ventalation if I can help it.

By the way, I have several friends who are in law inforcement and they feel the same as I do. I pity those people around the world and here in this country too who have to put up with such a horrible existance that they can't even legaly protect themselves, their families and property.

Of course that's just me. I know I'm no genius, so your milage may vary.
I'd know something was going on far before they had a chnce to break in. Dogs Guineas and that sixth sense we gals have for noises that are out of place....
In all the years I lived there alone, I was woken up exactly three times with noises that were out of place. Even on starlit nights im pretty good at spotting things. All three times they were border patrol checking on my place.

It's not just a gal sixth sense but a survival one. I can sleep through anything. Doors slaming, kids hollering, the dog barking at nothing, my wife getting the kids ready for school, etc. But if one of the kids tries to tip-toe through the house, one of the dogs makes a single growl that's out of the ordinary, a car stops on the road near our house... any tiny little slight sound that registers in my subconcious mind that is "off" - and I'm intantly wide awake and reaching for the "booger getter".
I guess for some of us it's a primal leftover thing or something.
I don't ever want to hurt or harm anyone. I am the world's biggest pacifist. But I'm also a realist and know that as long as bad people do bad things, you will either stand up and protect yourself or be ran over or killed. I never want another person's life on my soul, but if it's them or me... I'll live with it.

Two things come to my mind in discusions like this. One was a quote I read (Can't remember the man's name) that stated "Evil flurishes when good men do nothing".
The other is something my Grandfather taught me. He said people shouldn't fight. If they have a problem, they should just get together and talk it out like adults and either reach and agreement or just stay away from each other afterwards and stay out of each other's business. I said "But Pa, some people you just can't talk to". He just smiled that wise old smile and said "Son, you can talk to anyone and they'll listen. You just have to talk the launguage they understand. Some of them you can talk face to face with and be very polite and peaceful, and some folks just have to be laying at your feet bleeding looking up at you when you talk, but you can talk to anyone".

Now, I'm just a simple uneducated country boy. I've never had a pot to p*** in or a window to dump it out of as the saying goes. But what little I have is mine. I worked for it, I earned it and nobody's going to take it away from me without a fight. I've worked all my life since I was 15 years old doing a man's work for a man's wages and giving a full days work in exchange for a day's pay. I've seldom made over minimum wage and many times worked for less. I've raised 5 good kids, I take care of our bills and my wife who is disabled, my home is not worth much, but it's mine and it's paid for and we eat enough to keep us healthy and able to get up in the mornings and go at it again.
I might give a person something I've got, and have done so many times if I thought they needed it more than me, because that's just how I am. But a no good thief ain't going to come on my place and leave with anything except ballast and extra ventalation if I can help it.

By the way, I have several friends who are in law inforcement and they feel the same as I do. I pity those people around the world and here in this country too who have to put up with such a horrible existance that they can't even legaly protect themselves, their families and property.

Of course that's just me. I know I'm no genius, so your milage may vary.

Amen, Brother.
Edmund Burke said "evil flourishes when good men do nothing"
I'd know something was going on far before they had a chnce to break in. Dogs Guineas and that sixth sense we gals have for noises that are out of place....
In all the years I lived there alone, I was woken up exactly three times with noises that were out of place. Even on starlit nights im pretty good at spotting things. All three times they were border patrol checking on my place.

It's not just a gal sixth sense but a survival one. I can sleep through anything. Doors slaming, kids hollering, the dog barking at nothing, my wife getting the kids ready for school, etc. But if one of the kids tries to tip-toe through the house, one of the dogs makes a single growl that's out of the ordinary, a car stops on the road near our house... any tiny little slight sound that registers in my subconcious mind that is "off" - and I'm intantly wide awake and reaching for the "booger getter".
I guess for some of us it's a primal leftover thing or something.
I don't ever want to hurt or harm anyone. I am the world's biggest pacifist. But I'm also a realist and know that as long as bad people do bad things, you will either stand up and protect yourself or be ran over or killed. I never want another person's life on my soul, but if it's them or me... I'll live with it.

Two things come to my mind in discusions like this. One was a quote I read (Can't remember the man's name) that stated "Evil flurishes when good men do nothing".
The other is something my Grandfather taught me. He said people shouldn't fight. If they have a problem, they should just get together and talk it out like adults and either reach and agreement or just stay away from each other afterwards and stay out of each other's business. I said "But Pa, some people you just can't talk to". He just smiled that wise old smile and said "Son, you can talk to anyone and they'll listen. You just have to talk the launguage they understand. Some of them you can talk face to face with and be very polite and peaceful, and some folks just have to be laying at your feet bleeding looking up at you when you talk, but you can talk to anyone".

Now, I'm just a simple uneducated country boy. I've never had a pot to p*** in or a window to dump it out of as the saying goes. But what little I have is mine. I worked for it, I earned it and nobody's going to take it away from me without a fight. I've worked all my life since I was 15 years old doing a man's work for a man's wages and giving a full days work in exchange for a day's pay. I've seldom made over minimum wage and many times worked for less. I've raised 5 good kids, I take care of our bills and my wife who is disabled, my home is not worth much, but it's mine and it's paid for and we eat enough to keep us healthy and able to get up in the mornings and go at it again.
I might give a person something I've got, and have done so many times if I thought they needed it more than me, because that's just how I am. But a no good thief ain't going to come on my place and leave with anything except ballast and extra ventalation if I can help it.

By the way, I have several friends who are in law inforcement and they feel the same as I do. I pity those people around the world and here in this country too who have to put up with such a horrible existance that they can't even legaly protect themselves, their families and property.

Of course that's just me. I know I'm no genius, so your milage may vary.
Don't you think we have wandered WAY off topic ?


I have an old "Anderson shelter" rather than a shed ........ I'll get pictures. No windows to break. I could improve it with digging it in ..... But there aint many bombs here now days

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