Formerly eggbound hen has stopped laying eggs altogether


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 22, 2008
Henryville, Quebec
Last week, one of my hens was eggbound for 3-4 days. She finally laid her egg, which looked like someone had eaten it, and then thrown it back up. (yuck!)

Since then, she hasn't laid anymore eggs. This isn't a problem for me as I'll just keep her as a pet. But I don't know what to be expecting here, if she'll start laying sporadically, or just not at all.

In any case, she seems very fine now, has full energy and appetite.

She was a 20 week old hen in April, so that makes her about 7-8 months old now?

If what you said were true, shouldn't she be suffering again? It would have been 5 days since she laid that last egg. And she's acting right as rain today. She's never been a consistent producer, but I think this is the longest I've noticed her going without laying now.

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