Foul-Smelling Diarrhea in BR Pullet..Pasty Butt? PIC*


10 Years
Nov 20, 2009
Wimberley, TX
I picked up two 12-week old pullets last weekend (a BLRW and a BR). The BLRW seems to be fine and healthy, though a little skittish. But the BR, though acting pretty normally and very sweet, has runny, very smelly diarrhea. I thought it could be pasty butt but there really isn't any blockage of her vent at all, just brownish-white poop that runs down her underside. I've see her poop perfectly normal several times, and the quarantine cage the pullets are in doesn't seem to have diarrhea all over the place. So I am a bit confused. I have tried washing the poop off with warm water, but of course it just comes back. I have trimmed her rear feathers off to keep it from becoming paty butt. Right now I am giving them medicated feed along with water w/electrolytes and VetRX (just in case). Other than getting a fecal float (Don't get paid for another week), what can I do that could help? Any one know what this could be? Thanks
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Is this just pasty butt (Pasted vent)? Eating, drinking normally,
Here is a picture but it's kinda gross:

I've looked there, and it hasn't helped me. The problem is not just her runny poop, but the fact that it's really smelly and runs down her underside/belly.
Stop with all the med stuff and just stick to feed and water. Try that and see what happens. Older birds don't usually get pasty butt. Pasty but is when poop sticks to the butt preventing them form pooping. That's not the problem I see. Try a diet of just feed and water, not greens or other stuff.

reread the poop page about there being a normal occasion for runny poop. Could just be the heat and over drinking. Did you see that part?
We are keeping them inside, and actually the past day their water hasn't been treated with anything. I know about pasty butt, but have never had it happen to any of my birds, so thought maybe that's what it was, but no actual blockage of the vent. Maybe it's stress related?
Well, these two new girls are being quarantined in the house (kept between 70-75 degrees). So pretty sure it's not the weather, though it is horribly hot..
Try soaking her in warm water(not too warm) and some baby shampoo. Fill a tote container with the water up to her butt and let her sit for about 10min so the poop can soften and you can lightly wash the affected area. Separate her then feed her soft foods like mash, scrambled eggs, and yogurt. Add electrolytes to the water and the foods to sorta wash out her system. I use newspaper for a substrate so you can change it often and nothing sticks to her butt. See if it improves. Hopefully it isn't an infection.

Good luck!
I have tried putting her rear in a container of warm water w/baby wash actually, and it did seem to help a little. However, she wasn't in there for 10 minutes, so I will do that tonight when I get home. I will try the yogurt and eggs, and put the electrolytes back in her water as well and see how she does. I don't think I can separate her from Betty though, plus I don't have another cage (well, I do, but my brother is borrowing it). I do hope it's not an infection as well.

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