Found a chicken - Faverolles?? Or maybe a crossbreed?

Yeah, I know. Unfortunately it looks like I have to make at least 10 posts before I can.
(Which is why I've been replying to every post.

Well you only have 4 more to go. (or actually 3 after you respond)

By the way welcome to BYC
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Respond to this one, too. I'd love to see a picture lol! Black feathers with gold around it's neck sounds like Black Star to me (which are mixes themselves anyway). The extra toes could've come from a Silkie a few generations back. It doesn't have to mean a Silkie was either a mom or dad.
maybe a silkie faverolle cross... I saw the thread, and had to look.

Its sounds awful young to be going thru a molt already... lacking comb and wattles... so maybe a bearded silkie cross, so you wouldn't see much of a comb and wattles... but the dark skin definately denotes silkie cross. Some silkie crosses are not silkie feathered either.

SO... pics pics pics
Well she said the skin is white, not black. Just the leg scales are dark.
Actually what she said was: Dark blue-black beak and legs. I think some people took that to mean black skin somehow.
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Looking now at a picture J took in the sunshine - while it was running away from people in the parking lot this morning - and although it looks black in the indoor light I'm looking at it in, in the sunshine it looks more like the body feathers are blue.
Well this is post # 10, so there will be pics soon!
Re moulting, it may be that it's actually still growing its first set of adult feathers... there's no comb or wattles at all, but you can sort of see on top of the head where a comb is going to grow.

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