Found a chicken - Faverolles?? Or maybe a crossbreed?

I would also say silkie mix, it does have really dark skin. I would also say maybe mixed with a serma, look at how the tail sticks up....idk, I've only ever had a silkie mix, but it is a she, too ya!
Definitely a silkie cross, but possibly not even the first generation. What she's crossed to could be justa bout any small breed. How she got there? Could have been dumped, could have escaped from a cage/carrier, could have ...???
I agree. Looks like she has a silkie grandparent, and that's all I can guess as far as breed. Maybe some EE, but that's a complete guess. Her face just reminds me of my ee's. lol. She's cute! She's going to be very pretty when she's all grown up!
Mutt for sure. Looks like she needs a bath!
It really was lucky that of all the parking lots she could have ended up on, she found one at a company where nearly everybody is animal friendly.
The guys at the loading dock had no clue how to catch her, but they'd put out a cardboard box for shelter and put down some cracker crumbs (which she was eating when I got there).
good luck! she looks like a pretty little mix! has she laid any eggs for you yet? i can't really tell how old she looks in the pic but the only way i can think of telling if she is laying age would be to put your hand between her legs and see if at least 3 fingers wide will fit. this tells you her pelvis has widened for laying abilities. if you go to pet her backside and she squats for you is another tell tale sign she might be ready to lay or thinks you are the rooster.

if she is willing to let you pick her up and look her over for bugs, try and give her a bath to make sure any bugs are cleaned off. use some dish soap (Dawn is usually mentioned) and some cider vinegar to help wash it out along with warm water, not hot. then towel and blow dry.

i make a poultry spray using some good, high proof rum and some Bay essential oil and some other good bug repellent type of oils. this makes a sort of Bay Rum alcohol spray that helps to keep the lice off them and will help keep the mites from taking over their feathers (won't fully kill the mites-just keeps them maintained). i put it in a small spray bottle that has an atomizer spritz top to sort of mist the vent, under the wings, near the crook of the legs, and over their back. since she has a beard and muff you might want to check for the mites in there too.

eta: i only use this once a week to every other week on my birds.
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Her comb is too small for her to be laying. I think she looks like she's about 3-4 mos old. She looks like she has a cushion comb like my EE's have. It will get fat and red when she's ready to lay.
She (I'm 90% sure it's a pullet) is cute, isn't she? I think she's going to be pretty, as well, once she gets some decent feathering... and she's really sweet, too. Likes to be scritched, "talks" to me, and very gentle; that plus the way she walked right up to me when I held out food makes me think she most likely came from a small flock.

As several other posters have said, it'll be easier to guess at what breed(s) may be in her background once she's got full adult feathering. Given that everyone's pretty sure she's a cross or mix, and that at least one person thinks she may have some "game" heritage, it's not impossible that she does, in fact, have some Delaware Blue in her makeup - I know it's a rare breed, but Newark DE is where you're most likely to find them, and not just the 5-footer that shows up at football and basketball games.
(J's office is about 5 miles from U.D.)
Yeah, she definitely does, poor thing. I was considering misting her with the gentle sprayer I use for Cassie, the pigeon. Over the weekend we'll figure out a section of the yard I can block off to give her some free range, and set up something for a small coop, but for now she's staying in a crate in the bird-and-cat room. We have two acres, with all but the front yard enclosed... most of the fence is 5 feet, with one short section next to the house that's 4-foot, but I don't think letting her interact with the dogs would be a good idea at the moment.
I strongly suspect she'd been in a small cage or carrier - her flight feathers are really battered, as if she'd been flapping in a very confined area. As to dumped, heaven knows... could be that someone decided to get rid of her because she looked so bad, or gave her away because she was being beat up by the other chickens... or that they sold her to someone who lost her in transit.

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