Found burned (?) Chick

It could have been pecked by other chickens and still look like that. Vetericyn would be best, but in the meantime, I would apply some plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment to the wounds. Offer some water, and if you have Gatorade or Pedialyte until you can get to a feed store to get Vetericyn, chick starter-grower, and some chicken electrolytes with vitamins to put in the water.
I am thinking along the same lines as Eggcessive.

There is another thread where the chick was similarly injured. It was another chicken that did it.

It is going to take a very long time to heal. Keep ointment on it and as clean as possible.

(Speaking as someone who cut the end of my thumb off and had not enough skin to suture.)

It has been 9 months since my injury and antibiotic ointment saved my thumb.

Definitely use something with no pain killer in it.

Poor little thing. I am glad someone who cares found it.
You will have to keep it safe in a crate or basket. Every 2 hours I would offer fluids and some mushy chick feed until it has eaten and drunk all it needs. Get the chick to walk around some for exercise, and then let it rest on some soft bedding. Hopefully, the swelling will decrease in a day or two. These things can happen when a chick gets attacked by larger chickens. I wonder if someone just put it out to die.
It's condition isn't improving. It's eyes are still swollen and it seems to have developed a respiratory illness which I noticed today. It has a runny nose and is gasping. Is it going to die? :c
So, you found the injured chick, and then it was exposed to your rooster? If the chick had come from a flock infected with a respiratory disease, Mycoplasma, coryza, infectious bronchitis, or others, then it may have exposed your flock to it. Without a vet, about the best thing to use as an antibiotic is Injectable Tylan 50, found in the cattle medicines at the feed store. You can give it orally as well as by injection (give it orally to the chick.) Dosage for the chick would be 0.25 ml, and for the rooster 0.2 ml per pound of weight, twice daily for 5 days. Get 18-20 gauge needles and 3 cc syringes, and remove the needle when giving orally. That can treat mycoplasma (MG) symptoms, but the respiratory diseases can make them carriers.

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