Found LED light at tsc great for candling, I can c through brown eggs!

hmm, maybe as comparison, here i bought a 5 led torch for about $2, a 14 led lantern for about $2 too. led is great for candling as it can produce *white* bright light and some led possess good ability to only *earn* really little hot temp so no egg gonna broken.
oooooooooooh, I got one of these for christmas to just have as a stocking stuffer kind of thing! I am so going to go use it on the tricky EE egg I've been trying to candle!!!!
This is great info...i tried using a desk lamp with 100 watt bulb and rigged a collector with a hole in it to channel the light to more of an egg sized point, but was never sure of what i saw. i am going to be on the look out for an led light before incubating again.

I also think a "look what i found" section would be a great idea, especially for newbies like me.
I have the TSC one... $2.99 by the register... comes in silver red or blue... love it.. if it doesnt seem to be bright enough buy better batteries for it. My husband finally went and got his own cause I threatened death and mayhem if him and the boy took off with it again....

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