Found one of my hens dead today. Warning Vent Photo

You will be receiving another report once they get the histopathology completed. It will show if there was a disease present that exacerbated the liver issue. If it were me, I wouldn't change anything unti the final results are in. :)
Yeah they said in 10 days I would get the complete report and the fecal test report as well.
How about soaking or fermenting the grains and then blitzing them in a blender. They should homogenise a lot easier when they have been soaked in water for a couple of days. It's still going to be a significant task for 20 hens though!

I'm in the UK so I couldn't advise you on other products. We are probably more limited for choice here so I would be surprised if we have any soy free poultry feed. Is it because you are handling it that you need it to be soy free or because you are concerned about eating the eggs from chickens that have been fed soy in case it makes you sick..... I think the latter is very unlikely but not an expert on allergies by any means. Perhaps a mask and protective clothing whilst you are handling the feed would help protect you from contact with soy if you tried a different feed that included it.

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