Found these... so cute! Egg totes!

WOW!!! There is no bowing smiley.

Sure there is:

BTW: I can barely sew a button on a shirt, so I admire those of you with real-live sewing talent. One thing I would look for in these totes as a consumer is that the entire product be machine washable. Just a thought.

Keep up the good work ladies!
Probably going to kick myself for sharing my secret, BUT!

I use ice cream tubs, butter tubs, anything that is plastice and easily cut to make reinforcements for things I make. You can use the tops, the bottoms and cut down the side and lay the sides down straight to cut more out. You have to work with it a bit from the sides, because they curl up, so I curl them loosely the opposite way and secure with a rubber band for a while and they lay right out.

They hold up in dishwashers which made me start thinking of them years ago and so I made a bag and tested them in the washer and drier and they've worked for for over 30 years. When I first met my husband he thought i was nuts because I saved all these things until he saw how I used them. Then he was impressed. Matter of fact he took over the re-rolling and helped me cut them. He was sooo helpful.

I do things with a lot of stuff people throw out to save money and throw less away.
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My totes r machine washable,i myself use an ice cream tub!I made the center divider removeable so it could be also used to carry egg cartons for del.I always use shout color grsbbers and cold to warm water when washing,alot of times i air dry.What do they say a shoe makers kids do not have shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
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Do you have any photos of your work? Would love to see some.

Know what?

I don't. Either it's out the door before it's done or I just don't think about it.

Most of our things are still in storage. We hadn't been here long before my husband died and I still have most of our things in there. Maybe I'll add something if I remember when I finally get things hope.

I made padded boxes once and used cardboard for the first 3 and while I was cleaning the kitchen I started staring at the plastic containers I was throwing out. That was 30 years ago and not many have been tossed since then. I used them in place of the cardboard and it worked great.

My husband and I were really into Halloween. Every year we made anywhere from 15 to 30 costumes. Most for the grand kids and kids, but their friends want the Bill and Kim costumes. We'd design them and then make them. Amazing how a few plastic containers come in handy thta time of year.

My husband once bought this huge sheet of plastic to use. Then he was so disappointed when the container plastic worked better and basically didn't cost anything. I haven't bought ice cream in tubs since he died, but he could wipe those things out in a day (and not gain weight!) so I had a good supply when he was around. I guess I need to start eatting ice cream.

I've actually been using these containers or lids since I was a teenager and did a lot of beadwork. Used them to stiffen my pieces. Funny it took me so long to use them when I need something like that with my sewing.
So awesome! So very creative and of course you are way motivated and imaginative to come up with those cool removable washable pockets!!!!!!!!!!!

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