Four day old chick sick or injured?


Nov 17, 2020
I brought home three day old chicks From Jax Ranch, here in Colorado. One chick was very small, but seemed healthy. When my back was turned, my golden picked up the chick and carried it in his mouth for a few minutes. He dropped the chick about foot off the ground when I saw him. Chick appeared uninjured, just slobbered on. I put her under the heat lamp and let her rest. A couple hours later, she was up and moving around, eating, and acting like all the others. I thought the crisis was averted. Today, is three days later. I went to clean out the pen this am, and she is only able to use one leg. The other is curled under. I tried to manipulate the foot, and she appears not to be able to use the foot, but can move the leg. No obvious breaks or swelling. Like I said, she was eating, moving and seemed fine a few hours after the incident with my dog. Only one leg is affected. The other, she can get up and hop on, however, she is chirping in three syllable spurts and is cuddled up, laying, leaning favoring the side without injury/lameness. She is just resting, head down, no movement, and doing this distressed chirping. I'm not sure what to do..... I separated her, because the other chicks were stepping on her and sort of curiously pecking other non motion. I'm wondering if she suffered internal injuries that are just now apparent? Curled toe paralysis? Should I force some liquid riboflavin down (if I can get some-we are in the middle of a blizzard, here in Boulder.)
I don't think your golden did this, if it's smaller, it's probably a runt with possible issues.
It was very young, but I'm not sure a runt per se. I am thinking something was off. She's been doing this distress chirping non stop since I got her and I think it is what triggered my golden to pick her up. He's super gentle with a soft mouth and has never hurt any animal. The reason I think this, is because he's been drawn to her since the beginning-he tried to pick her up again today d/t her chirping. I was able to get her to drink a little bit from a cup today. She eats sporadically on her own. Seems in pain from left foot nonuse..... A friend told me I should put her down. Thoughts?
I do not believe that your dog caused this problem.
This chick may have been born with nutritional deficiencies (very common with store bought chicks, as the breeder is only interested in how many chicks they can produce, and not particularly interested in their health). The malnutrition is then exacerbated by medicated chick starter. The medication in the feed deprives her of B-Vitamins in order to starve cocci (parasites). Leg issues are linked to B-Vitamin deficiencies and often present as straddled leg(s) and weakness.
Before culling this baby, I'd add a high quality nutritional supplement such as Chick Booster by Neurovet to all sources of water for your chicks. This product boasts a very long list of vitamins, minerals and amino acids and is perfectly balanced for the needs of poultry.
I brought home three day old chicks From Jax Ranch, here in Colorado. One chick was very small, but seemed healthy. When my back was turned, my golden picked up the chick and carried it in his mouth for a few minutes. He dropped the chick about foot off the ground when I saw him. Chick appeared uninjured, just slobbered on. I put her under the heat lamp and let her rest. A couple hours later, she was up and moving around, eating, and acting like all the others. I thought the crisis was averted. Today, is three days later. I went to clean out the pen this am, and she is only able to use one leg. The other is curled under. I tried to manipulate the foot, and she appears not to be able to use the foot, but can move the leg. No obvious breaks or swelling. Like I said, she was eating, moving and seemed fine a few hours after the incident with my dog. Only one leg is affected. The other, she can get up and hop on, however, she is chirping in three syllable spurts and is cuddled up, laying, leaning favoring the side without injury/lameness. She is just resting, head down, no movement, and doing this distressed chirping. I'm not sure what to do..... I separated her, because the other chicks were stepping on her and sort of curiously pecking other non motion. I'm wondering if she suffered internal injuries that are just now apparent? Curled toe paralysis? Should I force some liquid riboflavin down (if I can get some-we are in the middle of a blizzard, here in Boulder.)
I brought home three day old chicks From Jax Ranch, here in Colorado. One chick was very small, but seemed healthy. When my back was turned, my golden picked up the chick and carried it in his mouth for a few minutes. He dropped the chick about foot off the ground when I saw him. Chick appeared uninjured, just slobbered on. I put her under the heat lamp and let her rest. A couple hours later, she was up and moving around, eating, and acting like all the others. I thought the crisis was averted. Today, is three days later. I went to clean out the pen this am, and she is only able to use one leg. The other is curled under. I tried to manipulate the foot, and she appears not to be able to use the foot, but can move the leg. No obvious breaks or swelling. Like I said, she was eating, moving and seemed fine a few hours after the incident with my dog. Only one leg is affected. The other, she can get up and hop on, however, she is chirping in three syllable spurts and is cuddled up, laying, leaning favoring the side without injury/lameness. She is just resting, head down, no movement, and doing this distressed chirping. I'm not sure what to do..... I separated her, because the other chicks were stepping on her and sort of curiously pecking other non motion. I'm wondering if she suffered internal injuries that are just now apparent? Curled toe paralysis? Should I force some liquid riboflavin down (if I can get some-we are in the middle of a blizzard, here in Boulder.)
So I have a previous post about my 3yo hen that went lame and I wondered was she sick or injured.
I quarantined her for a week to rest but also separated her incase she was sick, very slowly I reintroduced her to the flock and she sat a lot but slowly slowly she has regained mobility and is now still limping but active.
Shock can come on and takes some time to pass, try giving her sugar water and regular food, Greek yogurt and vitamins b2.
Good luck, mine is 3 weeks lame but now climbing the stairs to the coop at night so progress is slow but steady

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