Freaking out!


6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
ok I need help my chickens are hatching today I have read to leave them in the incubator but they are moving other eggs should I leave them in or take them out if I leave them should I put food and water in there for them? Its my first time hatching so I'm freaking I don't want to do it wrong! There are now three hatched one I see the beak! Please help!! Thanks
Hi FeFe1

I'm new at this myself however I have done quite a bit of research so here is what I've learned. Leave the newly hatched chicks in the incubator with the eggs that have not yet hatched. The incubator should be in "lock down" mode and not opened at this point because it effects the temp. and humidity which can hurt the unhatched chicks. The new hatchlings will be fine for at least 24 hours because they have received nurishment from the yoke prior to hatching.

I am currently hatching 4 silkie eggs as we speak so I know how you feel about freaking out! If you have the time, read more on this subject here in the forums. That is what I've done and not only have I learned a ton, but it has calmed my nerves. So sit back, try to relax and keep us posted on the babies progress!!
Thanks I read a lot to and thought I knew what I was doing then they start hatching and I start freaking out lol!! I'll take them out tomorrow then.

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