FREE Roos & cockerels For Sale in NW Alabama

Jayare's Chicks

12 Years
Aug 25, 2007
Florence, Alabama
Hello I have 1 RIR roo and 2 Black Australorp roos for sale here in North West Alabama. (Florence / Muscle Shoals area) They are 5 and a half months old. How's about $4.00 each or I could do a package deal for all 3 of them for $10.00. 1 of these Black Australorps has some gold lacing to him and he is a very pretty bird. His name is Hogan. His gold lacing reminds me of Hulk Hogan's mustach which is how he got his name.
The other one is named Shadow.
I also have 8 little ones that are 9 days old today and 1 of them is supposed to be a SLW pullet and the other 7 would most likely be roos (packing peanuts/warmers). I can't tell if they are SLW or not because they look alot like what my Black Australorps looked like at that age. They may even be something totally different, I don't know. These would be $1.00 each.

Before anyone asks NO I WILL NOT SHIP THEM. Local pick-up only or I may even be able to meet you somewhere close. (just not on Saturdays or Sundays because I work these 2 days)
I can post some pics if needed/wanted.


Added free to the subjuct line...
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Ok, the 3 six month old Roos are now FREE if anyone wants them. (1 RIR & 2 Black Australorps) They out number my poor little hens and the hens are just getting overworked so they need to go ASAP. The other little roos right now will still be $1.00 each and they look like they are indeed Black Australorps.


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