Freezing Weather and Eggs


10 Years
Mar 4, 2013
I set my coup up to be fairly self sufficient since I travel on business a lot during the week. So I usually gather the eggs on Friday or Saturday when I get home. I wondering with the cold weather if that is ok. It's cold enought here (Ohio) for the eggs to freeze so I'm wondering if they are ok, will they still keep in the refridgerator, or should I toss them out if I've been gone for a few days.

Appreciate any advice
They are fine. however, if they froze, then be prepared that even though they will thaw in the fridge, the yolk is likely to be a bit "gelled" when you go to use them.
Agreed, they will be fine. Also be aware that if they froze the shells could be a bit cracked. I'm in upstate NY and I've had a few frozen ones with some small cracks in them.
I have had a few frozen eggs this year we still used them and they were fine. We had a few that were cracked from feezing as well and just got rid of thoughs because they were big cracks
My biggest concern is if they would keep ok in the refridge - I know eggs have their own 'immune system' so I wanted to make sure they wouldn't spoil quicker after they had been frozen.

I do notice that if I hard boild them - the whites are a little musy where they have been frozen. I don't think they freeze hard.

Haven't seen any issues with cracked eggs yet.

Thanks for the advice !!

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