French frogs


Very nice, thank you!
Now, to "save as..."
honestly, that was the perfect parade!! It actually made me laugh out loud, especially the narcissist one!! GREAT JOB!!

I'll give a little more detail, because you are getting a 20, too ;)
7 BCM went in (1 clear at lockdown)

Humidity ran at 35-40% for the first 18 days, 65+ at lockdown. I put a paper towel under the tray to wick enough moisture to get to 65%. I can't get over 55% with both channels full, I need the paper towel for the extra surface area.
Display temp was 100.0. You may remember from the other thread that I went to that after my first 2 hatches were a little drawn out.
I added water to one trough every 4 or 5 days to maintain my humidity, and every time I added water, I rotated the tray 180 degrees. The wall side of my incubator tends to run about a degree cooler than the other, so I started rotating the tray
4 hatched late day 20, 17 hatched over a 24 hour period on day 21, the last two hatched on day 22. All are healthy, with no leg or toe issues.

That was actually the perfect amount of detail!! Thank you!! I just went out and had a few eggs this morning! And someone contacted me yesterday for chicks. So I'm going to do the NYD Hal! I'm so happy you got 100%. And I'm going to do the same with humidity. My last hatch was better with higher humidity. This will be my first set with local chicken eggs, not shipped! But pullet eggs too.

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