French frogs

My pigs weighed 240 and 248 dressed.

How much are you sending to me? I have room in the freezer.
Supposed to be record breaking heat here this weekend into next week, up to 104 I think. Thought I left those temps back in SoCal.

I'll be in Denver next week. Hope the birds are alive when I get back.


Hey guys I'm actually able to take deep breaths lungs feel normal.....that don't happen often so when it does I enjoy it....


My mommie's name is PVC. :cd


Every year I say I' going to start earlier and never make it . I just planted beans and am going to try for late squash and corn . The storms stopped me from planting yesterday .It's time to hit all the stores looking for annuals  that are left over and on sale . Turned on the irrigation in the small garden a couple days ago and then the storms come . Works every time .:lau . I find you can plant many things late if you have ample water . They will grow till the first frost . Ate my first squash out of the garden last night it was so good . Waiting on cherry tomatoes to ripen now .Almost can't wait .

That storm yesterday was a doozy... been listening to large tree branches and whatnot falling down above us... barely got the ducks into their pen in time... it was a howling wall of wind that just flattened everything...

Wow.  I am still using a heat lamp (with a thermostat set to 26.5C) in the brooder.  It runs about a 20% duty cycle during the day, and 40% most nights.

Haven't had a heat lamp on for about a week and a half now... and did 3 hatches in last 3 weeks, lol...

I could hatch eggs out in any room right now... :gig
All the ship-a-thon chicks moved from the grow out pen to the big girls' house day before yesterday. Yesterday was quiet, the old hens were outnumbered and stayed in the smaller room except to go lay. Today was a mess. The youngsters got braver and went into the small room. It looks like one of them picked on Little Big Momma's neck (which had a pea-sized scab remaining) and opened it up, and others probably joined in. She declared war on chickens. A 35 pound hen turkey is a dangerous beast. One of the littles was killed by stab wound, a few more are injured but will survive. Once she got into it, the old hens got brave and took up the fight. There's a lot of feathers on the floor and some spooked youngsters, and a couple of bloody tails.

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