French Guineas


9 Years
Mar 10, 2010
Tioga County Pa
I was at the feed store and i was offered 5 french guineas. I have a trio of regular guinea fowl... i took the 5. Can french guineas breed on their own? Should i be concerned about anything?
From what I know about the french, they drink wine not water.
Sorry couldn't help it
I've read that you are supposed to AI if you want to have a good hatch rate. I have a mixed flock and have been having good hatch rates but it may be the regular roos that are getting the job done.
Yea, although guinea fowl originated in Africa, the French have selectively bred the fowl to produce a bigger strain of guinea fowl for meat production. French guinea fowl retain the watchdog personalities and tick eating instincts they are known for. No guinea fowl will reproduce well in confinement but if allowed to free range, they should reproduce without any need for AI. Source

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