Friendly Chickens?


6 Years
Nov 13, 2013
I'm just now getting into chickens. I have 5 barred rock hens and 3 bantam hens and 1 bantam rooster. I've had them for about 2 weeks, but my question is how do make the chickens not scared of me? I don't know the best way to make my chickens comfortable around me. Any advise will help!
Are these adult birds then? If so just keep spending time with them. Let them get used to the daily routine and offer lots of healthy treats by hand. Just time and patience. Some birds will become quite friendly, others will always keep their distance. I will say that my barred rocks are almost always the most inquisitive, talkative, in-you-face birds that I have!
The barred rocks are pullets still about 5 months old, and the bantams are about 6 to 7 months old. What are some good hand treats to feed them? Thanks alot for the advise!
Mine love dried meal worms the most but they'll come check out anything I have to offer. A little scratch, a few bits of bread. Mine love left over vegetables from our dinner like peas or corn etc. Chopped hard boiled egg or scrambled egg is a big hit too.
When I first got my hens, they were kept in the pen for a month. I would sit on a stool in the pen with them. I would put cut grapes, meal worms or some treat by my feet. Then hold treats in my hand. Now they follow me everywhere, its cute when they join me at the picnic table. They will eventually enjoy seeing you :) I just got my hens in September and now they are my little ladies :)

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