Frizzle chick! What mix does this look like?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2019
I have a week old chick that definitely looks like a frizzle! The girl I got him (we've been calling it a 'him' because it's so much bigger than its siblings and it's got a bit of an attitude :p) from has a silkie roo, a BCM roo and a cream legbar roo. She's not sure what breed her frizzle hens are, so this chick is a bit of a mystery! What breed mix do you guys think this cutie is??
Its out of the Marans rooster. Silkie rooster would produce dark skinned and 5 toes offspring. And the Legbar rooster would produce barred offspring.

Thank you!! That's what I was hoping for....I really hope it turns out to be a pullet! Although if I can keep him I'm sure he'd be a gorgeous roo.
Do silkie mixes always have 5 toes? I have another chick with dark skin and what looks like silkie fluff, but it has normal feet.
Thank you!! That's what I was hoping for....I really hope it turns out to be a pullet! Although if I can keep him I'm sure he'd be a gorgeous roo.
Do silkie mixes always have 5 toes? I have another chick with dark skin and what looks like silkie fluff, but it has normal feet.

Almost always, it's a dominant trait.

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