Frontline for humans?

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but loss of hair on the legs is one of the first signs of diabetes.


I agree with the OP! It's been raining almost nonstop for weeks in TN! We've had a few days of sunshine but more rain is on the rain.

I have some guinea eggs in the "bator because I was told that they'll eat anything! Thankfully my dogs (4 of them), don't have ticks on them but that could be because we treated them with Promeris. Hubby, grandson, and I don't have them, I think, because we wear long pants that are tucked into our pants when we're working outside.

Get yourself some guineas! Hopefully they'll help!

Hello All,
When ever we were going mushroom hunting we would eat 2 boiled eggs. My Dad said the ticks didn't like the sulfery smell. It seemed to work. Also,
I was wondering how I can find out how many chickens I can have in Brookings Oregon.
I don't really want to call city hall.
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Rufus, how did that guy KEEP those buggers alive after ten years???????? Water? A sliver of grass? A drop of blood?

I have not had ticks for so long but I sure do not want any on me!

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