Just beautiful and shady 😍
Thanks, we thought it had been a longer period of time that they’ve been in the yard but not quite 7 years yet. The shade attracts a lot of small birds and we’ve had wild bunnies and cats under there quite a bit.
Thanks, we thought it had been a longer period of time that they’ve been in the yard but not quite 7 years yet. The shade attracts a lot of small birds and we’ve had wild bunnies and cats under there quite a bit.

As hot as it gets there, I'm sure everyone appreciates the shade.
That's about 1 digit too many already! We haven't seen 80 yet, but it's coming (and I'll have my a/c on).
Yes I would have to agree those triple digits are rough! I imagine 80 feels toasty after all that snow! I remember wearing shorts in winter for a few years in CA when we moved there from MO when I was a kid. Quite an adjustment!
Yes I would have to agree those triple digits are rough! I imagine 80 feels toasty after all that snow! I remember wearing shorts in winter for a few years in CA when we moved there from MO when I was a kid. Quite an adjustment!

That makes me think of my brother. He hates long pants, he'll wear shorts in these WY winters. Crazy man!
Update on the ducks...Jasper is a jerk at bedtime to the white girls although no injuries so far. I’m beginning to wonder if one of the white ducks is a drake. They were hatched around 2/1 so they should be fully feathered with adult plumage and have no curly feathers in tails so far. Maybe he just doesn’t understand they’re not interested yet. Nerd. We have four eggs in the basket on the wall. I typically find them in the yard but this one was in the quack shack when I opened it this morning. I’m not sure how many girls are laying but the three older girls certainly should be by now, they’re about six months old.

This weekend I’m going to clean out all the litter in their shelter and spread it in the garden. Then I can add bunny litter and soil over the summer and we should have a nice fall garden. I hope.

I’m debating about tearing down the shade garden and replacing it with a tree and maybe some shrubs. It’s a weed factory and they’re rather obnoxious about me getting rid of them. I still haven’t decided but I think we can do a better job with the shade also. Maybe the top and the upper half of the sides except on the southern wall would be better. Still thinking about it but I don’t think the row cover stuff would work well. Our wind can be pretty gusty and I think it would tear and just be a mess.
I'm about 24 miles SW of Chicago. We get plenty of shorts wearing men through our cold winters, also men & women wearing sandals despite snow & ice. :confused::idunnoGee maybe they have a thyroid condition - duh! Plus I've seen mothers carrying babies outside with no warm clothing on them and bare feet (in winter) :th
Update on the ducks...Jasper is a jerk at bedtime to the white girls although no injuries so far. I’m beginning to wonder if one of the white ducks is a drake. They were hatched around 2/1 so they should be fully feathered with adult plumage and have no curly feathers in tails so far. Maybe he just doesn’t understand they’re not interested yet. Nerd. We have four eggs in the basket on the wall. I typically find them in the yard but this one was in the quack shack when I opened it this morning. I’m not sure how many girls are laying but the three older girls certainly should be by now, they’re about six months old.

This weekend I’m going to clean out all the litter in their shelter and spread it in the garden. Then I can add bunny litter and soil over the summer and we should have a nice fall garden. I hope.

I’m debating about tearing down the shade garden and replacing it with a tree and maybe some shrubs. It’s a weed factory and they’re rather obnoxious about me getting rid of them. I still haven’t decided but I think we can do a better job with the shade also. Maybe the top and the upper half of the sides except on the southern wall would be better. Still thinking about it but I don’t think the row cover stuff would work well. Our wind can be pretty gusty and I think it would tear and just be a mess.

Maybe Jasper is still growing into his role and he'll calm down. What will you do if one of the white ducks ends up being male?

Bunny litter and dirt should make for some good garden soil. What do you plant in the fall?
Maybe Jasper is still growing into his role and he'll calm down. What will you do if one of the white ducks ends up being male?

Bunny litter and dirt should make for some good garden soil. What do you plant in the fall?
Maybe he is, he’s not quite so crazy as he was at first. I’m sure suddenly having a flock all to himself was an adjustment.

I haven’t decided on the fall planting yet. More garlic for sure and mostly greens or brassicas. Artichokes, maybe some peas.

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