Full Moon

Yes, that's me too! I also have a hard time driving while it's snowing, not because of the slippery conditions, but I get mesmerized watching the flakes head towards my windshield. I'm watching them and not the road.
I like to take moonlit walks in the woods.
My daughter and I both have always had trouble sleeping when there is a full moon. I have always heard that more babies are born when the moon changes than any other time of the month.
Yes, that's me too! I also have a hard time driving while it's snowing, not because of the slippery conditions, but I get mesmerized watching the flakes head towards my windshield. I'm watching them and not the road.
I like to take moonlit walks in the woods.

LOL - Lunachick, That's me, too! My son hates riding with me when it's snowing because I pay more attention to the snow than the road! We must have been separated at birth

I, too, have trouble sleeping when there is a full moon. Though the reason is our dog. She walks from window to window keeping an eye on all that she surveys. Naturally with a full moon she can see every little movement and then must run outside to check it out. This makes for a very long and busy night for both of us. Lucky for here she can snooze all day following a full moon, unlike the rest of us. LOL
wether i'm in a dark room or playing hide-and-seek in the woods with my friends, there is no way in Hecate* i could ever sleep on a full moon!

(*Hecate is a Goddess. her animal familiar is a black hen. hence "heckity-peckity, my black hen" in mother goose story books)

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