Funny Faverolles

I loved my faverolles, Daisy and Buttercup. Sadly, they are no longer with us. I could always count on Daisy to give up their hiding spots when I would call them to see where they were. She would run out of the bushes, chirping, then run back in the bushes. The others would glare at her, like why did you have to tell the really tall chicken where we are hiding?? Buttercup would notoriously step on long sticks or branches, then when it would fly up and hit her in the butt, like a seesaw, she would freak out. Then she would do it again in about 10 minutes. When they run, it looks like they're trying to run with their pants fallling down, I guess because of the feathery legs and feet. I'm getting two faverolle chicks in July and I'm looking forward to their goofiness.
Hello @christwodog ,

I am sorry for your loss. :(

You chose such cute names! :)

Those Faverolles of yours sounded funny and cute!
Buttercup also sounded quite the mischief!

Good luck with the chicks you'll get!

Trust me, they were good because you raised them that way,
they were sweet that way.

If you raise the chicks like Daisy and Buttercup,
they will most likely be sweet like them too!

Have fun with your soon-yours-chicks!

-The Angry Hen
Thank you - I am excited to get them! You're right, I spend alot of time with them from the time I pick them up at the post office. Counting the days...
I am thinking 'bout getting a SF rooster...
Good idea? I don't want fights with the other rooster,
but I can't have a small bantam or a big giant for my SF hens.

It is hard getting the right size!

Do you have hatchery or breeder birds? If hatchery I wouldn't worry because they are all on the smaller side. As far as conflicts between males it will depend on the individuals involved.
New question..!

Does anyone have a Faverolle that tries to act bigger than the others?
I do! She is now the 'queen' of the coop... And there are bigger breeds with her, like Cochins.

She cleans the others, and puts 'em in their place, and is a strong broody hen, and that makes it harder for me... When I'd walk in the house my Mom wonders if I got in a fight with the egg in my hand and lost. lol.

It started when I separated the first 'queen' of the coop, then she took over. Quite the broody hen! ;p

-The Angry Hen

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