Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens


And a few pictures...
They are beautiful! My Silkies are living in the house at the moment, as we don't have a coop set up, yet.

I oversleep for one hour and when I walk in the room to let them out and clean the floor, the hen loudly whines at me and follows me until I open up the door. It is super amusing and adorable. She also argues with me when it is raining and so I can't let her out, getting louder every time I say no! She also follows me around the yard whining when her favourite seeds in her scratch have been eaten, wanting more.

Also my dad was holding one of the silkie chicks 'ransom' for coffee jokingly... The chick was not amused and started loudly peeping to call me to take it back, and the rooster screamed at my dad, sounding just like Kevin from Up.
Unlike the hen who pecks at the chicks, leading to me raising them, the rooster gets quite worried over them.
This isn't really a story so much as sharing how happy my chickens make me. I've been letting them out of the coop for a bit while I tend to the bedding and such. Maybe for half an hour or so. The first time like six chicks came out with several others just sticking their heads out the door to look around. They're so silly! Then it was like a game. Look at me, I'm outside, now I'm back in. Out, then back in. Today most came out to eat bits of grass within a few feet of the door. Just a few cockerels dared to venture further but still not too far. They definitely know where home is. They spent about a week "cooped" up (haha) before I started letting them out. I knew they were getting antsy when they started rushing the door to look out when I opened it. I'm just so pleased at how well things are going. The run is nearly finished and the chicks are doing great! Ryan is still my favorite, she comes right up for her snuggles. Bruces' coloration is beautiful. Lemon Pepper is being a good boy. Also, speaking of coloration, we have this black australorp with white tips on the feathers of her breast. I thought BAs were solid black, but I don't mind because she's gorgeous!
I think I got it all out. I think this is my favorite thread to post in.

They've gotten so big! :eek: my babies grew a lot last week too. I was in AZ picking up my "unicorn" and when we got back THEY WERE SOO BIG!!! :th I could hardly tell Rex and Ducky apart!! :barnie :gig Rex didn't like that much :p
It appears that we have one rooster. Perfect, exactly what we wanted :yesss: hopefully he stays sweet! :fl
They are beautiful! My Silkies are living in the house at the moment, as we don't have a coop set up, yet. :p
I oversleep for one hour and when I walk in the room to let them out and clean the floor, the hen loudly whines at me and follows me until I open up the door. It is super amusing and adorable. She also argues with me when it is raining and so I can't let her out, getting louder every time I say no! She also follows me around the yard whining when her favourite seeds in her scratch have been eaten, wanting more.

Also my dad was holding one of the silkie chicks 'ransom' for coffee jokingly... The chick was not amused and started loudly peeping to call me to take it back, and the rooster screamed at my dad, sounding just like Kevin from Up. :gig  Unlike the hen who pecks at the chicks, leading to me raising them, the rooster gets quite worried over them.

Chickens! So much fun!
They've gotten so big! :eek: my babies grew a lot last week too. I was in AZ picking up my "unicorn" and when we got back THEY WERE SOO BIG!!! :th I could hardly tell Rex and Ducky apart!! :barnie :gig Rex didn't like that much :p
It appears that we have one rooster. Perfect, exactly what we wanted :yesss: hopefully he stays sweet! :fl

They grow so fast. Good luck with your roo! I'm hoping one of ours turns out gentlemanly.
They grow so fast. Good luck with your roo! I'mp hoping one of ours turns out gentlemanly.

Oh me too. I won't tolerate a roster who's a jerk to the hens. Even if he's mean to us, I'd keep him if he takes god care of them.
We have small children the roosters will need to behave around as well or we will have zero roosters.

Gotcha. ;) the last roo we had could be a little defensive, but once we figured out what set him off, he was the BEST rooster ever. He would charge fogs that were chasing the chickens. He even flared up at our GREAT PYRENEES :th through a fence, but I was very impressed 0_0 I miss him so much :(
While I went camping, I left my then ten chickens with my neighbors. A few days after I had left, a hawk came down and tried to attack them. The rooster herded the hens under the trailer that the coop was on, and then came out and attacked the hawk, pulling out a tail feather and scaring it away. I have only had a hawk take a chick once, and no other predator problems.
He also scared off a hawk another time, looked like a big scuffle, there were feathers all over the yard, no chickens missing or injured. Just a few feathers from a Cuckoo Maran hen that left a little blood.
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